I’m the king. Of jalopies.
My brother and I were addicted to PixelJunk Eden for years on PS3. In fact we were 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th on the leaderboards for awhile, possibly still lol. We created different accounts so we could make jokes on the leaderboards with our names. I haven’t thought about that in years! Thanks for the memories! I never played this game though I’m sure it’s fabulous.
I’m also on fi and have the exact same issue as you. Same 4 second silent message, all of it. Drives me crazy. The worst part is Google is filtering out the calls so my phone doesn’t actually ring but I get the notification for the message. Probably 5-6 per day and I have no idea how to stop it. In fact I had one come through as I was typing this.
What I wouldn’t give to have even a tenth of the free time it would take to figure out which fucking frame you have to do this or that. I don’t follow or know anything about speed running or whatever but I just watched this whole video, and this is serious skill. How the hell are people figuring these things out?
always seemed to have some sort of hardware error
I got a pixel 6a recently and within 1 month my back camera quit working. Open camera app and it says something went wrong. Tried everything but it’s fried apparently. Selfie camera still works but I can’t take normal pictures. Otherwise I love the phone.
I have a bit of an eidetic memory so I just come up with ridiculously long complicated strings of numbers and letters and memorize them. Don’t know how I do it. Don’t know how my brain keeps up with it but it works for me. And I have the plus side of not ever having my shit saved digitally I guess it probably doesn’t matter but whatever.
Not weird for me. I don’t play anymore at all. Don’t even have a system to do so. But, I watch YouTube videos about games and game facts or speed running every night before bed. I know more about games now than when I actually played them. I just don’t have time for them anymore but that doesn’t mean they don’t interest me. I lost my passion for playing games years ago but not the idea of it. I don’t know or care about the hype but I just find it terribly interesting via others hype or interest in these games. If that makes sense.