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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


they were planning on buying fromsofts parent company kadokawa.

that deal fell flat and they instead ‘just’ bought 10% of kadokawas stock,
making them a top shareholder

here’s mine

i mostly just played streetfighter and factorio.
(14% might not sound like much, but i only relapsed picked it back up after the 2.0 release back in october)

people dont tune in for the actual awards show.
the real reason people watch it,
is the announcements and reveals for upcoming games.

the actual awards are imo not that respected by a lot of consumers and usually cause complaints with bad nominations & picks

id doubt it will be nearly as bad unless they try to screw it up on purpose

it was already a far better experience even before the steamdeck released.

the only thing that im currently missing is support for mods (i.e. nexus mod launcher) and id doubt the target audience of a “steam console” would be bothered that

i know some modern controllers with 6 buttons,
like the “hori fighting commander”
but those are pretty specialized, since they leave out the right stick,
and they usually just move R1 and r2 to the front

standalone? as in something like the occulus quest?

that would be awesome,
even if that means that the steam controler remains dead.

fuck yeah i loved the first one.

im intrested to see what they change,
i predict that the controls will look less like the original and more like the steamdeck controls

darksouls2 might have been the weakest entry in the souls series, but its ng+ / ascendic mechanics are awesome.

i heard sekiro ng+ is also awesome because the powerup comes less from gear and mostly from how much you improved since beating the game.
so you breeze trough most of the game entirely on your skill.

they really went from firewalk to firesale

oh damn, not even a rework
this really crashed and burned in record time

i kinda expected a free to play rework with overpriced skins and a pointless battlepass before they shut down for good.

there has been a vr version that is aparently no longer supported

how unfortunate, i kinda expected something like the nintendo DS aoe games.

turn based strategy games simmilar to advance wars or fire emblem.

might have been a genuinely fun game instead of an halfassed rts on a touchscreen

but that gap has less potential revenue than a sucessfull live service gacha horse armor battlepass.

so we need to take another shot at the monetisation jackpot,
surely this time we will make it big.

did you know:
99% of devs quit before they make a sucessfull live service

meh, not even a legendary boss.
they should just reroll untill an epic one drops.

sounds just a tad paranoid.

the android situation is not really comparable to desktop linux.

google has a monopoly over the distribution of all apps, android has never really been independent of the playstore.

unlike desktop linux which has an established ecosystem already

they can lockdown their steamdeck & steamos but there is no point in running steamos unless it comes preinstalled.

and they cant really make the installation on other distros more “fidly”, because the package manager handles installing software.

yeah going forward all games should be monetized like those simulator games.
like “Train Sim World 5” with a total of 2.500€ for all addons

somehow bison was the only reveal that i expected.

he was never gonna stay dead (just like heihachi)
but releasing him right in season 2 was imo way to hasty.
especialy with him being the next release right after akuma

this stuff really pisses me off,
i remember recently watching a video about tekken8.

the devs aparently made an announcement that boils down to “we need to monetize the shit out of this game now to make our monney back”
and the streamer just went “yeah thats reasonable”

they have the sales figures for tekken 7, and tekken 7 was an online game, so they know their active userbase.
(and they also now charge 70 bucks)

so they have at least a vague idea of how much monney they’ll make.

how can you screw up your budget that bad unless you senslessly dump money at your release.

yeah cutting edge graphics are neat,
but thats incredibly expensive.
and imo not that nececary for a great experience.

maybe a game that needs to nickle and dime its playerbase shouldnt be made in the first place?

damn, i sure as hell didn’t expect a guest character from tekken

i still remember recieving the pc version of the og battlefront2 as a birthday gift.

i could not get it to run for weeks,
and i had to deactivate all sound to get it to work.

it was downright uncanny to hear the sound, when i bought the steam version years later.

also the loading screen with the map zooming in in battlefront1 was the coolest shit i had ever seen

i dont quite think that that is what they meant here.

the article was talking about productivity a lot,
and the current ai hype is centered arround generative ai.

i think what they where talking about here,
is using ai to speed up stuff like moddeding and terrain generation.

stuff similar to the second half of this presentation ( starting arround 3:30)

i want a smartphone, that i can hold securely
while still being able to reach the entire screen.

i have pretty big hands, and even i cant reach the upper left quarter of my phone (pixel6a) without letting go of the left and bottom edges.
its ridiculous

ds2 is imo the easiest in the series,
and the only one ive managed to complete so far.

here’s a bunch of tipps for if you want to try again.

once you beat the last gigant,
talk to melentia untill she moves to majula,
shell sell infinite lifegems.

lifegems are better than estus,
since you can still move, and you can carry 99.

level adp untill you have 99 dex agility,
for iframes on the rolls.

broadsword, longsword, rapier, and mace
are great weapon you can find early on.

ds2 (especially sotfs) relys heavily on ganksquads, and enemys as an obstacle to defend the way to the boss.
you have to lure them out and fight them on your terms, its hard to run past enemys.

you can jump on the balcony on the smelter demon boss run, and skip a lot of pain.

shrine of amana, get a crossbow/bow, and snipe the mages, anything else is pure torment.

bonfire ascetics (and the expanded ng+) are the best features of ds2.
ng+ the bonfire melentia was at,
last gigant and pursuer ng+ are juicy souls if you can beat them, and you can find mats to complete a +7 or even +8 weapon very early.

i havent bought there myself yet,
but so far i only heared good things about backmarket, which specializes in refurbished devices

Congrats on making it to 3 years without breaking your screen.

As the others have suggested, i would install lineage with open G apps instead of buying a new phone.

r/place Outside of april fools ?!?
Dang, they must be DESPERATE

I don’t think the IP ratings are gonna be that much worse.

The galaxy s5 had IP67 with a removable battery back in 2014.