Definitely shield dropping in smash bros melee. Seemed like an essentially impossibly difficult skill, and nearly made me stop playing because I don’t have the time to invest into that kind of tech skills just to be competitive. But then I had my eureka moment when I learned that you can get your shield up and not roll if you just have the stick to the right or left when you press shield in the first place. After that it’s just dropping the stick down one notch and you’re dropping like no tomorrow. Bit of practice to get the timing down and now I’ve unlocked an entirely new dimension of my play.
Yet another reason I cannot stop playing melee. Every time I think I’ve figured that game out, it reveals an entirely new level of depth that was invisible before I had the tech to see it.
In my mind, they should be paying the actor the same for the new lines regardless of whether they opt for them to come back in and re-record or use AI to generate the new line. The actor’s product (their voice) isn’t worth any less, but the company could save money by streamlining the creation of a new line through simplified logistics. This way the company has some benefit while preserving the actor’s livelihood.
Of course there’s no way these companies are going to want to pay full price for these new lines, since it’s an obvious point where they can pressure performers to accept a lower rate.
I guarantee you the C-suite at reddit regularly kick themselves for giving into public backlash and keeping old.reddit. People weren’t happy with the redesign, but they would have definitely gotten used to it fairly quickly. Now, removing it will be another nail in the coffin they’re so desperate to build.
This simply means it’s a question of how far do the values of these buildings need to fall before it is economically viable to perform these massive conversions. Government could certainly incentivize these conversions. Too bad it seems most governments don’t care about alleviating the various housing crises.
Per the article, it seems that the main barrier here is that it is currently not economically worthwhile to convert these buildings, as the conversions require massive changes to the buildings themselves. If the value of these properties fall enough, however, it could easily become an attractive proposition for these buildings. A continued push for work from home can hopefully damage these property values enough to make it feasible.
Ghost Runner has many of the same aspects, and definitely scratches the same itch for me. It’s much more combat focused, but the combat actually feels like it was an intentional part of the game, at least.