The fear is what matters.
These careers are everything to them, they will gladly fuck whoever they need to to survive, but if you make them more afraid of the community then they’ll actually try to listen.
There was a brief period back in the late 2000s/early 2010s when Google listened to people.
That died by the time I joined, but I worked with people from before and they clearly didn’t give a shit about the customers anymore, it was all internal politics for promotions, you’d never get in trouble for pissing off customers.
Make them afraid of you, make them fear doing anything to piss you off, otherwise they’ll sell you out for their bosses and shareholders every time.
They’re not, Jesus, what is wrong with you?
They’re greedy and ambitious, but also cowardly.
Saying ‘Nintendo’ doesn’t hurt much, the corporation is almost numb to criticism, it knows it will sell games.
Find the marketing moron responsible and destroy his career, that’s the only way you make a difference.
Do this enough times, and eventually they become more afraid of the community’s wrath than their ambition to get a promotion by kissing ass.
Take down a few VPS of marketing, you’re can start influencing them, because they’ll start community outreach before doing shit.
Corporations are a hard outer shell to protect the sensitive inner meat, don’t attack the shell, take down the inner bits.
I mean, that’s not the CCP, that’s just the Chinese people working like dogs to profit the corrupt party members.
The CCP gets very little credit for modern China, it was Mao dying and Deng choosing a looser rein that lead to China’s shocking rise, the people themselves are great, the party is merely a horrible parasite that killed 50m of its own people from its pride.
Not even a drop whatsoever.
Taiwan brought the same people with fewer resources far more forward and did it with respect for freedom and human dignity.
While Mao basically murdered or caused the death of 50m of his own people from his own stupidity.
I’d prefer the Chinese put their CCP against the wall before they invent fusion, I guarantee this will be a true golden age for China, but I think the CCP would try to take down China itself before it let itself lose control.
Your argument is: “America isn’t giving Ukraine enough weapons to win the war”, “Wait, American can’t give them real weapons because then they’d win the war!”
We should give Ukraine back their nukes, but if we aren’t we should give Ukraine so many drones the lifetime of vatniks is measured in milliseconds.
The only way to end a war with Russia is to pull an inverse Branigan: Keep encouraging them to throw waves and waves of their men against your rampaging killbots till they run out of men.
As I said, 10 million sounds like a good start.
Russia won’t nuke unless they start losing serious Russian territory, remember Priggy made it really far and they only fled in their private jets.
Keep drawing their kids in to their deaths, make sure it’s drones killing them while Ukrainians themselves are safe behind the lines, eventually they’ll run out of their r-word strength.
Yeah, that was my bad, I’m not used to checking the user instance.
Merkel made a catastrophic mistake in treating Russia like an rational actor, they’re not, they’re basically wh40k orks who see weakness and work themselves up into a grievance rage about how the west and everyone else is conspiring to keep Russia from its destined role as world leaders, until they finally reach a threshold and go on a Wauggh.
Like orks, they don’t stop until their bloodlust is beaten by their fear.
As an American, we need to give them all our weapons, free of charge, the thought of my taxes going to their rightful purpose of butchering Russians by the hundreds of thousands warms my heart.
We need give them f35s, Ai drone swarms, everything, we need to help them exterminate every vatnik in ukrainian borders within a month.
Alternatively, we admit we will not satisfy the Budapest memorandum and leave Ukraine to their fate.
I’m fine with either path honestly.
For the second path, we would be honor bound to restore the nuclear weapons Ukraine surrendered, or equivalent, I suppose a single Ohio ssbn fully loaded with tridents should suffice.
At that point Ukraine and Russia could begin negotiations for peace.
Personally I don’t think any of this will end until 10-20m Russians have died, it’s the only language they understand, and they’re slow there as well.
Russia started this war to look strong to their partner China, they look far weaker than imaginable, the end game is to partition Russia, the west goes to the European sphere, the east goes to China giving them the resources and land they are so desperate for, and both sides get 50-100 years of peace.
Your second link agrees with me, it was Ukraine. The mad fuckers pulled it off, we might have helped but even that is more than I’d imagine, our administration is timid AF when it comes to Ukraine and any kind of direct or even covert action.
I get why you’d be furious, but they were defending their homeland, and let’s be honest, yours too, if Ukraine had fallen Putin and Xi would have felt they could ask for a lot and we know how that road goes.
We did not blow up nordstream.
If we had 1/10th of those balls the world wouldn’t be in this shape, I wish to God we had.
Germany is in for 2 lost decades, shutting down nuclear was a mistake, but energy isn’t the only issue, Germany needs more workers or they need to fully commit to automation, which they haven’t quite yet.
China is now crippled with Russia as an ally. That’s about the best strategic success you can expect in IR, take the win.
They won’t.
You don’t understand, it’s not the companies that make everything suck, it’s the management, modern software management crushes the beauty out of both the work and the design, and passionate visionaries are displaced for marketing droids with PowerPoint slides about dlc monetization through nfts.
An easy way to remember “milquetoast” is with context, here let me use it in a sentence:
“Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath is an Eccentric-class Offensive Unit.”
See, didn’t that clear it all up?
I’m at 10g internal for what matters, with a unifi dream machine, so 10g firewall could work, my limiting factor has always been that fucking uplink :(
Visiting a rural island off the coast of sweden in a few weeks. Better fiber for cheaper. Than down the street from fucking google.
Oh fuck you so much comcast. Bless you sir, blessings upon you and your house.
What… the fuck…
I expected a curious story about how elves enchanted your modem and now you feared to gaze upon it lest the spell be broken, not this fucking necronomicon vs the infinity stones shit.
I’m just lost, you broke the matrix, I can’t begin to figure this out.
Going to at least ask about gigabit pro, live in silicon valley, used to work at google, can’t get fucking fiber to save my life, it’s like a greek tragedy, but you have given me the courage to try again.
South Bay here, wish I could get :(
You mean blizzard activision… :(