• 4 Posts
Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Sep 13, 2024


🖕 Fuck PayPal And fuck Linus Tech Tips for intentionally keeping quiet about this after they found out.

Companies would rather protect themselves from potential litigation than stand up for their paying customers so yeah most companies probably just preemptively block the site as soon as the abuse report comes in. They’re not really under any obligation to actually check that the abuse report was correct or not, so most companies have decided to cut positions/funding to any sort of complaint review department which is why they can be so slow/unhelpful/incompetent most of the time.

How much you want to bet that response was AI generated?

Seriously, the way it explains things and the repetition reek of ChatGPT

Hot take: If a partner rejects you because you didn’t give them an expensive enough engagement gift, they’re not worth marrying.

If they truly love you, they wouldn’t care. If they had the slightest concern for your future together, they would prefer that money go into a savings account or the down payment for a house or literally anything more useful than a ring.


Keep track of all the David Mayers out there, if the movies have taught me anything, they’ll probably be instrumental in winning the coming war between the robots and humanity.

You want the company stripe gone, you want this dudes life ruined, you want other companies to sacrifice time and resources and get pissed when they aren’t willing to do that because THE DUDE VISITED A BEACH.

The customer is always right. In the original meaning of the phrase: if enough people are sufficiently mad at your business to stop spending their money for your services, you as the business owner are in no position to argue with them or call their concerns frivolous.

No business owner is being forced to acquiesce to the boycotters’ demands. People are just choosing not to give them money if they don’t like what they’re seeing. If a boycott like this ends up tanking Stripe or any business that uses it, that’s literally the free market at work and the result of consumers exercising their right to choose who to do business with. Tough luck, should have adapted to the market.

If someone gives a shit about this, they’ll find a way to avoid Stripe. This might surprise you because you’ve presumably have never given enough of a shit about a cause to actually modify your behavior for it, but deciding to participate in a boycott does in fact mean having to sacrifice your own convenience and limiting the options available to you.

Ok, regardless of the actual politics, this game had literally nothing to do with the Oct 7 attack given that it was written in fucking 2022. We might as well ban the 2012 movie because things really did start going to shit after 2012.

“Bro full self driving is 5 years away bro trust me bro”

And as always, the majority response to this will absolutely be something along the lines of “I support writers but you can fuck right off if you expect me to inconvenience myself in the slightest most superficial way in solidarity with you because actually having to modify my behavior in the simplest way is where I draw the line.”

The kid who jury rigged their gameboy to a power adapter is probably an electrical engineer by now.

NiMH is perfect for an application like this, where the power draw is high but you don’t need the batteries to retain charge while in standby for that long, so the high self-discharge rate is irrelevant.