Rather, try HeliBoard!
itch.io is DRM-free and pays developers most directly, as far as I know.
This was a really informative and gripping watch as I sought to look up more about this well-made title: Underdogs VR Mech Fights are Insane
Yes, it was the cheap camera tricks obscuring parts of the map that you could go to that did it for me. It was, like, basically making you check for every possible secret despite the limited abilities of no camera control nor destructible terrain… I get that there was an era of games with this mindset (sorta like some Metroid-&-other games, I suppose), but I just don’t have time for that any more.
This may sound odd to some, but my stance towards quality games is: punish fairly. Life is hard enough as it is so I don’t need a game also going, “Haha, well, screw you here, too.” Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Could Hero’s Hour fit the bill?
Hail, fellow ex-redditor!
I had no idea until now that Junk-Store existed, probably because I’m part of the PC master race. It sounds like it’s entirely for the Deck.
That is really cool that you know the Heroic devs. Tell them that it really needs a last-added sorter so we can see what was most recently added to our collective libraries.
That’s only because it’s forcibly downloaded as the stock keyboard on some devices, haha. For me, personally: Go HeliBoard!
32 GB is very healthy. What does the expert @[email protected] have to say?
No problem. It’s easy enough:
Anyway, for exploration-driven story, Subnautica is the king of the mountain, by a ridiculously wide margin.
Make a script using AutoHotkey (ask for help in [email protected]) that goes through the list in a Windows desktop browser and remotely installs the apps to the device one by one. That’s how I’d do it, anyway.
That’s not what I meant:
Move to https://pixelfed.social!