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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Big win for consumers, at least in the US. People tend to do better in courts here than they do in arbitration (where one side pays the judge(arbitrator)).

That is patently not what I was arguing. If they don’t raise the price past $60 they’ll just be incentivized to get it through predatory micro transactions.

And by arguing a business practice is unsustainable I’m not saying that entire industry pays employees in an equitable way.

I agree with the sentiment on wages keeping up but I think ultimately the price isn’t as important as the value. I’ve bought a games for $60 that I’ve got 2k+ hrs in. That’s about 3 cents an hour, which I like to compare to a $15 dollar movie ticket that’s ~2-3 hrs of entertainment ($5-7.5 hr)

Obviously not everyone, myself included, gets that much out of each game. But if some games costed $140 but did give 2k hrs of gameplay (7 cents per hr) I wouldnt be bothered. To be clear I don’t think disposable AAA should jack up prices, but if the price reflects the value offered I see no issue.

On the volume thing I think we’ll probably start to plateau in the next 30 years w/ % of the total world pop consuming games, and inflation will continue. I only wish to point out that the eternal $60 price tag is something that probably should end in our lifetimes.

The fact so much of the games industry has latch to $60 as ‘the price’ for decades is shocking. It’s an unsustainable practice and will increasingly make companies lean more on post launch predatory practices.

No American court is going to hold an American company who fired (presumably) an American who (presumably) works on American soil liable under that. You’d be better off looking for local statutes that offer protections.

Haven’t played '06 but the '17 had the best first hour of any game I’ve played.

They are completely unrelated. They just had a really cool name they didn’t want to lose.

The subtext is Todd is too afraid to remake that porn studio in Fallout 2, that was there for some reason.

This model just came out recently. I wouldn’t pass judgement on them for that.

Controversial take but having the industry fixed at $60 only will increasingly encourage predatory models as inflation continues. Price should be reflective of the quality and content of a product, not a fixed standard.

I really liked the dialogue system in the first game. Probably the best of it’s type. Hope they expand on it.

Maybe it could be a benefit for asking questions to NPCs devs didn’t think you’d want to ask that. Like asking a city resident where the market is. Probably not today but perhaps one day.

It probably will be the best game that comes out this decade.

IMO the issue is the fixation around a standard price point. The price should be correlated to the value a game offers.

Any one see any pictures arise from this yet? I played the game on launch then again half a year ago and don’t recall seeing any of these.

Contracting someone to use an artwork they made of your character would implicitly grant a license for them to make commercial profit off of that transaction.

Might be an unpopular take but the Red Dead Redemption 2 campaign. I’ve tried twice to start a second campaign but it’s so slow. The first time around the narrative carries it, so it doesn’t feel so slow. But knowing what happens next takes that away. The worst part is how ridged it is with mission failure/success conditions. It removes room for creative solutions.

This is not to say it wasn’t wonderful to play once. But it plays like they wanted to make a movie not a game.

That’s a fair counter. Indie games definitely hit above their weight class more often. But for a project of this scale it’s refreshing.

Definitely BG3 earns the rare title of ‘a complete game’ and presents a great experience.

Most currency is fiction. A dollar bill only has the value we prescribe for it. Game currency should be treated no differently.

Wait till they crack the code and find out .PNG stands for ‘pretty new game’

IMO he might of had a case if he wanted to fight it but the mutants were very close to Metro’s.

Probably should have gotten a job offer though too, if you ask me.

Paradox of Hope was an indie VR game heavily inspired by Metro. The dev got hit with a legal notice basically saying we think you’re using our IP please stop. And then he pivoted onto a new project.


Had a hunch something like this would happen after paradox of hope got taken down.

If you call the whole genre doom clones then that means Doom is a doom clone. Kind of like the problem with ‘Souls-like’ games. Also calling them clones somewhat diminishes the accomplishments and inmovations of the devs within the genre.

I third this. It is an excellent no hud game because of all the diegetic elements, like the physical map or the filter time remaining being shown by your watch. Lots of games will have ui menus you have to go through. Metro doesn’t.

Payday 2 really sets the mood with it’s music

LIS holds a special place in my heart, it was the very first character focused game I played/actually paid attention to while playing. Really beautiful game.

I’ve been playing games for over a decade and a half and I hadn’t even heard the name Baldurs Gate until it launched.

Also maybe I’m the crazy one but did anyone want a coop vampire shooter? The base concept just feels like something no one asked for.

Hitman VR won the VR title despite being a bad port to the best of my knowledge. Because people without VR saw it as an option and said that sounds cool then picked it.

I played it a few years ago and distinctly remember not getting jams (maybe 2-3 the whole time) I was just conscious about ensuring my guns weren’t in disrepair.

What games can you recommend that didn’t get the appreciation that they deserved?
I've been recently been thinking about Arkane Studio's Prey which is a immersive sim, with a pretty good rogue like dlc, that probably has one of the strongest hooks of any game I've played. If you liked Halflife, System Shock, or Deus Ex it's definitely worth a play. Are there any titles that might not have been commercially successful that you feel everyone should give a shot?