Nahhh, not like they have a history of being shit:
I don’t really give a shit if it goes away.
I’m boycotting to save myself from more BSODs and bad performance, (even ABZU refused to run right on my computer and most of my MGS5 playtime was wrestling with getting things working and putting in validation numbers), and my backlog—like I’m sure most gamers’ is—is full of stuff to play without Denuvo.
Plus, there’s a weird (little but there) overlap of stuff that has Denuvo… keeps Denuvo… and gets launched on Gog and others without any DRM included… so, even the “surely they’ll patch it out” idea doesn’t hold water either.
Gog goes another step and provides a guarantee on stuff they’ve modified to ensure it works, and provide an offline installer that’s entirely self-contained for archviing purposes.