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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I don’t doubt that this happened. All I wanted to point out is, that this move doesn’t conflict in any way with such things happening.

Just because the source code is available it does not mean it is free to use and do with it what you want. The license explicitly states that you may use it but have to publish it for free and follow the Steam subscriber agreement. Also this is just source code, not the assets (at least as far as I understand it).

This includes Fortnite so I guess it’s real money…

You can downvote all you want, but that is the logical escape the industry will take. They will make the online part of games expensive to pay until no one wants to play it or pays them an absurd amount.

This is what Stop Killing Games will look like…we should get used to it…

Over-working is a common thing in Japan in general (this is oversimplifying things of course). So I wouldn’t be sure the anti crunch movement has reached Japan’s part of the industry fully.

The final boss fight was good though. It fits the character and the final cutscene hit the tone of the series in my opinion.

I assume buying cinema tickets will require a PlayStation account?!

It can’t be that easy. PEGI says that games containing gambling (real money or not) are rated with PEGI 12 to 18. So there must be something else to the game that led to this rating.

The project is focused in Poland, but for a project of this scale it is common (and reasonable) to distribute the workload. So I’m sure there will be parts of it being done in the US.

According to Steam the top 3 are:

  1. Oxygen not included
  2. Civilization 5
  3. Factorio

But that of course does not include the games not running from Steam and pre-Steam games. So World of Warcraft is somewhere in there too. And the final Top 1 must be Transport Tycoon Deluxe (even if you don’t include OpenTTD).

That would be a horrible experience: You sign up (even if it’s just for a dollar) and then you would have to wait a month until you can play the new stuff. This way they are still giving away the single player campaign and one month of multiplayer for a fraction of the original price. If you want to buy the game it might even be cheaper to sign up and buy it with the included discount and then cancel again.

Titanfall 2: You have a titan as a companion for most of the game (there are segments where you’re on your own though). And it’s a fantastic single player campaign.

And don’t forget Desperados 3 which has a western theme.

What I meant was that it will not be that hard to replicate. It might feel complicated and deep but most likely isn’t that complex. Sure - without analyzing the original source code (which isn’t legally available as far as I know) - it might be impossible to recreate the exact behavior, but it should be possible to mimic the behavior - it might just take a few attempts to fine tune the input parameters.

Top 0% of games is a pretty narrow field… (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠!

Demis Hassabis is a genius in the field of artificial intelligence, but the AI of Black & White is 20+ years old and runs on pretty limited hardware (by today’s standards).

I started playing it last year because my nephew wanted someone to play (apart from his friends at school). I kept playing it on a regular basis (I had bought the base game years ago, but have not paid anything since). I enjoy the colorful graphics which run fine even on my 10+ old gaming PC. Some rounds are short and you’re dead within minutes but often I reach top ten, but even then the rounds aren’t taking that long (20 to 30 minutes), which is something I like about the game, because I barely take the time to have hour-long gaming sessions any more. Despite its looks skill makes a difference when it comes to aiming and movement (most special weapons are movement skills). I mostly play the no building mode because I can’t manage shooting and building at the same time.

Quake 3 Arena, but only if the tournament lasts no longer than 15 minutes. My heart can’t take more…

I have to disagree. I don’t think the joker does look like either Neuschwanstein or Hitler’s painting of Neuschwanstein.

Nonetheless I agree that the artworks shown in the trailer are great.

Transport Tycoon Deluxe

Of course there is always OpenTTD, which has by far exceeded the original, but I would just like to see a modern game (not necessarily in terms of graphics) with the same vibe. Transport Fever and all the other variants never quite achieved the same depth and complexity.

I’m pretty sure you could train an AI to play a game like Civ, but the problem stays the same. As everything progresses to get more complicated and you have to decide even more every turn it gets harder and harder to train. The results are kind of unpredictable and you might have to train your AI again with every patch. It will limit the systems your game can run on (even excluding some platforms) and heavily impact performance on the systems it can run on.

The gameplay stretching out in later rounds is also what makes the AI so hard to improve. There is just too much to do and the effects are too complex to understand for a classic game AI. If they simplify the gameplay with the player progression into later ages it will also make the development of a competent AI more likely.

But to be honest: I doubt anything like that is going to happen. Even when controlling a planet wide empire I will have to decide what every city is going to do next and what every unit is going to do in the next turn…

The last game I did 100% was Psychonauts 2. I loved the world and after playing the fantastic story it was a good reason to spend some extra hours revisiting the levels.

As you got invited by OP would you mind sharing your invites too? Asking for a friend me.

No. The only screenshots in my steam library are of some glitches I took screenshots of because it looked funny. And at some point I had a script running in Counterstrike that took screenshots of the game results.

The first one was already fantastic, but the second one topped in terms of writing, art style and music in particular. They reduced the amount of experimental level mechanics though.