star citizen doesn’t have anything so i would not count it. i love NMS but it is really shallow: not much differences in the biome, every planet is one of a few types etc. i did not play the latest expansion so i do not know what’s up with that. Elite Dangerous i bought and i played maybe 10 minutes? i could not find a comfortable keyboard combination, maybe i need to buy a controller for it…so i cannot say anything about it.
Dude a Nokia with Symbian was a smartphone… and that was in a couple of years before the iPhone was even being designed…
Tons of content that they deleted and unfortunately the “halo magic” gunplay is not there for me. I tried to play again and all my stuff is declared legacy and isn’t supported so I go around with the cool armour I like that hasn’t any perk and there’s no way to make it work in this new system apparently
Some are fine with whatever happened. I used to check r/formula1 to keep up (since yesterday I must install the app and create an account to see it; before you could click “use the browser” and still access it) and there things were completely normal like nothing happened.
The formula1 communities here are either repost bots or not active.
Unfortunately there’s only unreal engine as an alternative…