My favorite soundtrack ever, of course, is that of The Secret of Monkey Island (MT-32) by Michael Land. A lot of nostalgia there.
I also very much like the soundtrack to Dune by Stephane Picq. There’s an edition that combines the Adlib, Adlib Gold, and MT-32 versions which is “chef’s kiss”. Alternatively, I can recommend the Space Opera edition.
Strike Commander by Nenad Vugrinec on MT-32 is also great.
For chiptunes, I really liked Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 by Alex Mauer.
Or, for a real classic, Earthbound by Keiichi Suzuki and Hirokazu Tanaka.
Yes, I have a bit of a thing for retro sounds. 😁
For me it’s lack of driver support that’s keeping me from buying AMD cards. Has been for literal decades. I’ve never had a more unreal number of bluescreen crashes and black/frozen screen hangups than with AMD cards. Ever since switching to nVidia, maybe one per two years. Every now and then I try AMD again when replacing a card (last in 2016 when the RX480 was touted as a bargain) but the story remains the same.
Maybe CO should just straight up hire Mr. Huhtala if they lack the in-house acumen to produce the insights he provides in this outstanding article. That said, they might already know everything he describes in his blog post and might simply have run out of time to implement the improvements. In that case, the likely culprit would be pressures from management and/or the publisher to release now, ahead of the important Christmas season. Whatever the case may be, delaying the game would have been the right call. I remain cautiously optimistic but will keep waiting to purchase the game.
Good thing I upgraded my setup not too long ago. But I’m gonna hold off on the purchase, for a few months anyway. Wait out the first few patches and mods that will truly push the game to the next level. I like the things I’ve seen and trust in their long term commitment to the game but experience tells me it’s not going to be all it could be straight away.
Some people are obviously farming clown awards on the Steam Community forums, probably to distract themselves from their pitifully meaningless existence.
As I’ve said before, Steam needs stronger moderation. But barring people who don’t own the game from the conversation is not the solution. Sometimes you have legitimate questions about a game before you buy. Or maybe you own it on another platform.