In over half of America it would have been legal as the age of consent is above 16 or 17.
This isn’t a child, it is almost an adult in the legal sense quite literally. Your entire point of a crime have taken place has just no ground to stand on.
There were inappropriate messages, but sexting wasn’t mentioned so far and I doubt the exact details will be known. A meeting in a public place like Twitch Con is better than some back alley.
Thanks to resorting to personal attacks, but I am bothered so much by this, because this situation makes shitty behavior as in cheating on his wife almost the same as actual rape and abuse cases. And that takes away resources in prevention and investigation where it is needed. I grew up with the Michael Jackson smear campaigns and social media just proliferated this type of abuse.
It wouldn’t qualify for that as depending on the country people can consent at that age. And we speak of a difference of a single year anyways. There is a reason people bring up marriage and age difference up instead, because it simply isn’t pedophilia. Current societal definition: “Psychiatric diagnostic criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.”
I can’t believe somebody would type this for serious. First the jump between talking over text to rape is quite a long line in between. It is like us two disagreeing and me murdering you. And rape means non-consensual sexual intercourse. And given the age of 17 years, even if they would have consented, it wouldn’t be rape, as the person has enough emotional and sexual maturity to understand what it means. Now, it might be not legal in some jurisdictions, but this is just beyond wild proving my point people just want to make shit up.
FFXIV has quite literally a Fellowship and Community Finder to look for groups which have similar interests as you. Be it Mahjongg, Role-Playing, Try-Harding old content or seeing for LGBTQ interactions. And the rest is done over Discord, because that is for sure a better communication tool than whatever the game devs can come up with. Even the content thing is not true. There is seperate content which absolutely requires cooperation, schedules outside the cookie cutter main content like Bozja and Deep/Criterion Dungeons. More similar to old school MMOs. I’m fine with a diverse array of content.
A pedophile predator is somebody who systematically texts underage people, and fishes out the vulnerable ones to exploit their weaknesses for their own satisfaction and exerts control over them. Speaking to a single, depending on the jurisdiction (±1 year), consenting adult (17 is young, but not completely stupid), with slightly flirty messages is absolutely not that. it isn’t even toxic. in fact, it devalues this tag for behaviour which is not cool due to the cheating and a bit skittish because of the age difference, but is otherwise kind of okay. See, next time somebody tells me about a pedophile predator I will be thinking about a conversation between two adults, or almost adult and not nasty abuse scarring people for life.
Yes, that is indeed left open to large parts. In my opinion Half-Life 2’s story arc is about toppling the tower to give rise to a revolution against the Combine. And that happened as the G-Man froze time again and thus the inferred mission to stop the Combine assault was succesful with it even if we don’t see it with our eyes.
Indeed, that is what is so baffling for me. It is called, marketed and perceived as something very different. It is Second Life, World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV and others. You have a certain core in which the audience is interested in and then social constructs form around them. These modern Metaverse things try to skip the entire core part, but then it just becomes a chat app.
I thought Mortal Kombat 1 was a good introduction to the series for me. The cinematic story is a banger in the first 2 thirds, and the final part is weak, but doesn’t break its neck.
And for quite some hours I had a lot of fun just playing it. However the gameplay will not hold up past the 2 week honeymoon phase, with all the bugs, pricing, always online and truly awful invasion mode, which is the core single player experience next to the story.
So it depends what you expect of it, other fighting games are just better in many aspects.
What a terrible, uneducated comment. The anti-cheat solutions cost developers tons of money. Better netcode to disable wall hacking? Do you just randomly create arguments for your point? There is already as much engine and netcode obfuscation as feasible, strategy games render only few units into the fog of war. You need first a big enough barrier before you collapse the labour intensive moderation which can yield false positives.
Something something capitalism bad.
Do you know how clean Valorant is to play compared to Counter-Strike? Definitely worth it. Shooters just don’t work anymore without kernel level anti-cheat. The demand is real that even third party add-ons are used to play with them, e. g. Face It for Counter-Strike. It doesn’t stop all cheats and never will, but makes cheating expensive enough to exclude many.
The famous Escape from Tarkov Wiggle video should put it into perspective.
The Linux - FOSS user group of Lemmy is obviously mad, but that is the new reality.
There were bosses with camera problems (off camera tells).
As Whitelight explains enemies with bad tells doing 90% damage. Enemy design is overall bad, because it is the same approach
Quote from Darkhack on the negative Steam review:
" Sadly, there are too many minor faults that manage to interrupt the fun. The launch ability that lets you throw objects can be unpredictable. Most of the time, Jesse will grab a nearby object or even pull rubble from the floor if nothing is available to throw at enemies. However, it’s not uncommon for the ability to glitch. At random moments, Jesse will inexplicably grab an object all the way across the room and wait for it to be pulled in and arrive at her side before throwing it. These objects can even get stuck on random geometry. I died more than once because Jesse decided that the desk located a mile away was the only suitable object to throw and she would wait for it to arrive while under heavy fire. That’s assuming it arrives at all and doesn’t get stuck along its path."
I think high damage mechanics are always a terrible idea in a physics based combat rule set instead of a restricted, openly telling system like in Mega Man or Final Fantasy XIV.
Nah, Control was gameplay wise jank. I see in fact more and more modern games with terrible takes on encounter design. I grew up with frame tight games. They were at times brutally hard and speed runs do end there with deaths to normal mechanics. However you could systematically learn the timings, patterns in a pleasant way until you got it right. You might fail at them crushingly, but you know quickly a no-hit run would be possible and truly unfair situations are quite rare even on the highest difficulties.
Not so the past few years it seems. The gamer press lets many games get away with actually terrible game design. Off camera attacks, bad tells, awfully tight frame windows, multiple enemies which can on a dice roll attack unfairly together into undodgeable situations and so on. And while I do think the extremely tightened game design I prefer limits creativity, I do expect from those games who make it a bit wonky at times that they know their place about it and loosen the demand on the player.
Quickly the criticism on this gets drown out by the hardcore “git gud” crowd which probably never went past half the game. And then there is another fraction of players, who learn to cheese the systems as in exploiting high DPS outputs to reduce the interaction with the encounter design.
Back to Control, yes, I was similarly very frustrated by some gameplay sections and the story doesn’t pass a basic writing course test. It sets up this wonderful intrigue in the beginning and then forgets that a story needs something like stakes and tension. And towards the end it just drips along until it ends.
Those generalizations are harmful indeed and should not be tolerated as it breeds Us vs. Them mentality. Just asking the person not to be offended when they have every right to be with “if you are not part of the problem” is the modernized “I am not racist, but” and “No, I meant the other type of foreigners, not you”. Misandry is a thing. Just because one comes from a misogynistic surrounding, doesn’t mean other experiences are suddenly not real.
People bound by unhinged radical feminists, and I do mean the Crazy-Karen-On-Video crowd, mutter every other second a misandric sentence. Of course this crap erodes your self-worth. You are literally being demeaned for absolutely nothing. Speak up to shut them up. If women find the energy to speak against harmful notions like, so should everyone else, if they see inacceptably demeaning behaviour which differs fundamentally from appropriate criticism.