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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


HAHAHA they did not remove the tariffs on China yet, have been in effect since Trumps last term. The 10% was a 10% increase on already existing tariffs.

Yes but don’t think they ran great at the time. Unluck switch emulation which runs better then the actual switch.

Sure and then paying the dev not to develope it is also legal. Who wouldn’t take it see that free program you are spending time on we well pay you not to do that.

Sure except some of those games are available on the Nintendo store for whatever console they have.

So now they want AI to play games for us. Come on let’s get it going stuff we don’t want to do.

One draws the scene one guesses at it.

You own the media but just have a license for the game. You have never owned a game the media has always given you a license to play the game.

You never have bought a game even when buying it on physical media. You always purchase a license to the game.

Expensive again the price has been creeping upward continuously. The power usage and price is getting insane.

Sure how many people play on Linux vs windows? How many cheaters are on windows vs Linux? A assure you the windows number is way higher then Linux on both.

There was an “AI”monitor at CES that could cheat in league, I think. I imagine it could be done in other games.

Body picked up the last emulator they got forked. Sure it’s forked doesn’t mean anyone we’ll work on it.

Howndid they sell a defective product forms decade? I mean they sold the same product forever with just rebrands.

Woudn’t secure boot catch this as long as you don’t have one of the boards with the do not use key.

Of course Apple approved it the EU is going after them again for how they implemented this.

If the France sports dns blocking has proved anything it’s that most people just don’t bother. And if it doesn’t work just accept it instead of just changing a DNS setting in a computer.

How long do you do that for? He changed it to X who cares how dumb it is that is now the name.

Looks good but not for me don’t do online anymore way to much cheating.

That’s me I have bough most consoles over the years. Now I have a steam deck and I’m staying there. Purchase a game and being able to play it on the next version because it’s just a PC is going to be nice. No more worries about backwards compatibility.

I’m starting to think this stuff is on purpose now. Release game get good sales add drm so some peopl can’t play. Still have good better sales then you would have.

Isn’t this a single player game mostly though. That’s what I’ve been hearing anyway.

Are there any female Navy seals? Looked it up only one female has passed the bootcamp none have become a SEAL yet.

Ah great as the countries silo themselves. I can it see bad things in the future. When everyone was dependent on each other nobody wanted to rock the boat.

I just want giant SSD’s for not an insane price. But don’t see it happening anytime soon.

And how has the Lemmy thing worked out? Seems Reddit didn’t even notice the people fleeing and most have gone back as the engagement here has dropped alot.

Would you pay for Discord? That is the problem everyone thinks everything is free but running stuff costs money.

Or self driving cars. It well get to a point not the point everyone is thinking right now and then stall there. Just like everything else, people overhype in the beginining.