I think the PC vs. console divide is relevant here. I’m not sure how advanced text entry on consoles is these days, but I imagine PCs have the advantage with keyboards. Maybe if they use voice recognition on the consoles? But AAA games usually target both, and if interacting with the model is clunky for a big chunk of your market then the big developers might not use the technology.
Of course, indie devs that only target PC can go wild.
I’ve been replaying Pillars of Eternity II - in fact I have the tavern music stuck in my head right now. Mostly I just need some CRPG gameplay, so I’m not doing anything wildly different with my character this time around. Maybe I should do an evil run…
Knowing how the ending works, I’m still not sure which faction to go with.
I’ll second Tyranny and Pillars 2.
Tyranny’s ending is… well… they tacked on some text - but it’s a great game otherwise.
PoE2 is more enjoyable than the first one, IMO, just for the lighter tone. They do a better job of explaining the world, too, because you aren’t bludgeoned with lore-dumps like in 1.
The only console I ever spent a lot of time with was the NES, so I’m not at all native to the modern XBox / Play Station controller with its 166 buttons. But I know that some games are best with a controller, so I bought a Steam Controller and an XBox controller. I made it most of the way through Nier Automata with the Steam Controller, but I put the game down for some reason or another. I also gave Hades (what I think was) a good effort, but I never made it out and I stopped caring.
The only game I’ve completed with a controller is Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, which you really shouldn’t play with m+k, if it’s even possible. I’d never try to play an FPS with a controller.
I’m not sure if I’m enjoying it yet. I’m only 4 hours in and it feels like Divinity Original Sin 3 and not a Baldur’s Gate game. Maybe that’s fine, but it’s not what I was expecting.
The combat seems more complicated and I’m having to rest after even basic encounters, but I guess that’s the way BG1 was too.
Still messing with the graphics settings to get it to look decent and run ~60FPS on my creaky old Vega 56.
I started playing Pillars of Eternity II about a month ago, then I was gifted BG3… and dammit, I’m going to finish PoE first. It’s a very enjoyable game. Lighter in tone than the first one and a bit less brutal with the lore. This time I have a good idea who the pantheon are, but I still occasionally find myself confused about people and place names. I used my saves from the first game to start this one, but I have very little recollection of what the hell I did back then, so maybe I should have started fresh.
The developer is Jonathan Blow. You might want to give Braid a look - it’s still a pretty devious puzzle game, but it’s not as free-form as The Witness.
Now this might be down to my search skills, but -
A media player like MPCHC that gives previews when you scrub the timeline
A reasonably small text editor that understands the different line endings like Winpad.
I found Elmedia Player for video, but I end up using VLC most of the time since Elmedia doesn’t generate previews for remote files. For text I found TextMate, which I like quite a bit.
Veilguard is a 3rd person action RPG, not a CRPG. It plays like God of War or something. It has lots of DA characters and lore, though.