For context, my knowledge of current football is almost non existent.
Yearly football doesn’t appeal a lot to me, but what I like about the Euro or the World Cup is seeing a large number of countries represented, and the popular enthusiasm during the matches.
I have fond memories of watching matches on a giant screen or at a friend’s house, and no matter what the outcome, it’s generally a great time.
So two questions:
Here for discussion of all things association football/soccer!
Other Football/Soccer Related Communities
If you end up making one, I would not make it an year specific, so that it can be used again next time.
Good point, but based on the feedback we’ll probably just have this happening here
I don’t mind a community for it, but not on a new instance. If it could give get the exposure it needs, that would be epic.
Is the bridge getting posts still active? @[email protected], are you still planning to keep all of those topic-based instances active?
I think there is no need for a new community or instance for it, this is a small community anyway, let it grow, Euros are good for that.
Tbh, I think you could just use this community for that. There’s really no other European football going on at the same time as the Euros. Creating a new community won’t have many members (from the already small pool available). It’s not like Euros is off-topic for this community.
I think it’s unnecessary. Everything can just happen in this community imho.
Certainly looking forward to the tournament though.
Like others, I’d keep it on this community, but it would be fun to have a prediction contest as well as match threads and general discussion.
Not sure if it’s possible to have some sort of flair system to help identify Euro24 posts and/or user affiliation. I asssume not, as not seen flairs on Lemmy, but you never know.
I’m the same really I used to follow Newcastle but lost interest when they got relegated. I do try to watch the big events though the only one I couldn’t was the African World Cup were it was constant vuvuzella noise or whatever the heck their called.
I may not know a lot about current football, but I’m still very knowledgeable about players from 20 years ago, thank you FIFA 2003