I think they actually could and win the entire thing but Southgate has them drilled to only attacking in certain situations and he seems happy with even when almost anyone else would want to be at least 2 goals up.
I don’t think anyone can deny England have amazing players the trouble is they only play when it meets Southgates OK.
I fully expect them to get knocked out by a late goal or one on extra time. I think the strategy mad and if it actually pays off I’ll be shocked.
I won’t buy hp again myself I had a power supply die during covid because they for no reason made it propriety and claimed to not have any because of covid that whole pc ended up in the dump.
Think I tried to get one for about a year before giving up on it. Any normal pc I could have had back working the same day.
I had a brief stage I found tiktok pretty entertaining but I think it took me several days for it to let me make an account.
Tried to log in to my pc had no success, tried it on my firetv and it downright trolled my attempt by switching the on screen verification code like every 5 seconds. Before just showing none.
I gave up on it
I’d argue that’s more down to the talent of the players then his actual decisions though.
I’m convinced he only plays for draws really and I’ve noticed him subbing people who dared make a run up field when things are even.
Could be I’m wrong but I don’t think many of his decisions could be explained in any other way than pure panic when a goal down and immediately going back to turtling if it gets even again. It’s a horrible style for a team that’s mostly attacking talent.