Immersive sims are traditionally thought of as single-player titles. They can be really dense and systems-heavy games in which having even one player introduces an incredible number of variables, as that one player uses the freedom they’re afforded to tackle situations in any number of ways. It takes no small amount of creative ingenuity and coding wizardry to allow for all those possibilities, and that would only be magnified by the presence of another player, or a whole set of other players. T
Multiplayer is antithetical to immersion for me. Im not an RP guy and some wacko yelling slurs over the mic isnt going to help me forget im playing a video game
Not all multiplayer is match made or even public. Lots of games can benefit from 1 or 2 good friends to play with.
Immersive Sims are games that reward taking your time and meticulosity scouting and planning ahead. Multiplayer would be miserable if even one person is the type to get bored or rush ahead, or if someone picked a stealth/hacking build and another heavy combat.
Not all immersive Sims are like that
Sure but my buddy cracking jokes about work is just as immersion-breaking. Multiplayer is fun, but thats not the point i was making.
Just need a group that can roleplay ¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯