I have birds, nuff said

  • 13 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


The convo has gone way off topic and is better discussed somewhere else.

Yes transphobia is a thing and needs to be discussed, just not here. drag, you got your point in/across and was rebutted. let it end here, make a thread somewhere and continue if your really want but its gone way past PC gaming and onto other issues.

im fairly easy on the moderation here as I feel its better for the community (mostly) and very little reports come in so I let everyone do their thing. im not going to remove comments or ban you, but please let it die here.

comfy couch

no, but this chair is the first one ive ever been able to fall asleep in

ok, im not hatin on the steam deck. ive never even seen one in person so im bias for sure. however, what exactly is the appeal of it? I PC game exclusively and have 3 26" curved monitors at 5760x1080, so having a unit that is smaller than my keyboard seems counterintuitive to me. again, im not tryin to come off as a jerk or ‘pc master’ kinda thing. I’m honestly wondering what the appeal is, am i just spoiled?

I’m back! Again
Yeah, so my life is still a pile of crap, nothing is really working out, however I miss Lemmy. I'll do my best to keep up on reports and such. This really did not need a post, but I figured I should probably let folks know. What did I miss? Anything good?

the factory much must grow

i gotta learn to spell

i think i had a banshee at one time too, omfg im old

i cant remember what voodoo 3dfx i had, but seem to remember it was a good one. i even took off the original heatsink and put on my own cooler with fan (it had none, or a super small one if i remember right)

Oooof, guess im not all that well liked here!

Banhammer incoming!!!

better than expected, thankfully. I was worried about the birds tbh, and they are taking it well

I is mod here

I moved and had no interwebs for a week or two

It’s actually a reference to a family guy American Dad episode, still makes me laugh every time.

Hey, so I’m back!
Finally done the move, still setting up but at least I'm back online! Looks like shit kinda hit the fan a few times while I was gone, did y'all really miss me that much? I wont be online as often for a week or two still, but soon enough!

i have not liked nvidia since they took over 3dfx, but you cant tell me they had no clue this was going to happen, unless it’s all a part of their master plan to melt pc’s, forcing us to buy all new ones!?!

I donno what I missed, seems admin took care of it before I really knew what was going on, but looked like it was devolving rapidly.

Nothing has been commented in over a day, but I’m gonna lock it just cause I’m a power hungry tyrant and want to feel the mad power I possess!!!

Joking aside, just locking it so its totally over and done with, everyone has already moved on, so why not.

i honestly hate intel, from way back in the 2000s. at least i recognize my bias! anyways, im really hoping they come through on their GPU’s, it’ll hopefully drive the price down on the market. I was looking at the ARC cards when it was time to upgrade, but my bias just wouldnt let me go through with it. It would also be nice to see what kind of new tech they bring, bias or not, i’m rooting for them

Edit: them = ARC gpu’s

Open call for new a mod or two
As most of you might remember, I had asked a little while ago how to go about picking a new mod (or two) to help out. First off, there is little to no work actually involved other than checking in, last report was 9 days ago, and when things like the bots who were mass posting happen, the admin are on top of that real fast and it was done and over with by the time I logged in again. I'm not asking because the workload is requiring it, no, its more that I was wanting at least one more person. This way a community this size (i have no idea if ours is considered large or active tbh) can have more than one active mod. Much less chance of perceived bias here, now there has been no mention of it to me but I don't want it to get that far even. I'm looking for one or two more folks to help out around here. This job is paid with bits and bytes sent to your pc or phone while your on this site, so do with them bytes and bits as you see fit, in accordance with all laws mind you. I'm more than willing to send you a digital cookie 🍪 once a month if that helps out. I'm not looking to pass the torch and split, like our last overlord, however if something would happen to me or my internet for a long spell, only the admin could pass off the mod to someone else. Anyone up for the job?

I think we need another mod
Not like there is a lot of work, or reports. You are all a good bunch, plus the admin team seems to get to most of the reports before I do, making me more or less useless! So I'm thinking of bringing on someone else, this way I cant be bias, well less chance anyways, and the guy who got me to mod seems to have gone away, never to be found again. Hope hes safe! But yeah, I think one person being a mod with a community this large is not right. How do you all want me to pick the next ~~superhero~~ *mod* here? Eeny, meeny, miny, moe seems like a great idea to me, but I'm a stoner. Thoughts?

I had a choice to make between the two, and railroader being about $10-$15 bucks cheaper for me kinda cinched it. I really want it tho, hoping I can catch it on sale soon

I bought the game about 6 months ago, and it failed to grab my attention. Ran great on my pc, super fast load times, graphics look good on triple wide too, and only came across one bug that I can remember, so guess I’m lucky. Maybe I should re-try it.

i defiantly recommend it, id point you to some of the streams ive done, but between the mic not picking up sound randomly, and my internet shitting the bed (like last night) i have not gotten a single good stream in a while.

so check out Hyce’s channel on youtube, hes done a fair amount of videos on the game, he actually go me into it

Fallout 4

Cities: Skylines



and most presently: Railroader <–also looks great at 5760x1080 resolution

oooo, sounds like i might wanna finally upgrade my R5 5600x…along with everything else to go with ddr5

I still play SoF2, I like to grab a few random maps here and there!

Controversial games of the past.
I'm just sitting here thinking about all the hoopla around palworld right now and I was wondering what other titles out there have been in the controversy filled category in the past few years/decade? I can think of a few, but my game interests are kinda narrow. What are some of your picks?

ok, im gonna lock this thread, ive gotten more reports on this one post than everything else since i became a mod.

My personal feeling on this post are irrelevant, but enough is enough. If ya’ll cant have civil discourse, ima lock that shit down. This isnt reddit, lets be better, ok?

Meme Monday is now live!
Lets try our first Meme Monday and see how it goes! Lets keep it SFW, and pc gaming related. If you think its appropriate, post it and lets find out together. If it gets lots of downvotes, I wont remove it, but that will give me a good baseline for next week.

SoF 2, still playing it to this day.

It’s kinda funny how much faster it is now compared to when it came out, almost like the hardware got better or something

I think I caught Oxhorn play the 2nd or 3rd day, and I was super unimpressed. I had high hopes for it, but knew who was developing it so had no interest in buying it new or anything, but wow. Maybe it just looks really nice while playing and crap while being streamed? Not a chance I’m buying it before it 75% off, or more

Free Friday is now over
I'll be renaming it next week, hopefully we get some more interest next week, if not, no big deal. Hit and a miss, but I'm trying!

Free-for-all Friday

Thats a great idea imo. I’m not creative enough to come up with anything good lol

two meme days a week

In short, no.

I made a post not too long ago outlining the rules for today. Asked for folks to save the memes till monday. Hopefully we dont get a tonne today. If so, I will address it a little more publicly

Free Friday Today!
Hello All! Today is our first Free Friday (title change suggestions welcome) Rules 0-3 are in effect still, however tech support, build &amp; game suggestions/questions and just about anything else you can think of, pc gaming related, is fair game today. Please save the meme's till monday tho. If you have a youtube channel, I dont mind you posting a single video, but its gotta be a lets-play or commentary about pc games/gaming. Please dont be posting your homies channel, or some creator you really like...lets keep this local to us for the time being. You have an idea thats not listed above? Post it and lets find out how the community reacts, but still better follow the basic common sense rules above. So, the first official Free Friday is now open!

Opening up the community a little
A while ago I had asked everyone what their opinion on changing up the community here a little. Nothing major, but maybe drum up some other content. No shame to the regular posters, keep doing your thing, I am not trying to shut you out or even hint that I, or really anyone, objects to what you bring here. I do however have a couple ideas for 'theme days', and any ideas you have are welcome. I am not planning on turning every day into a theme, but was thinking of - Meme Monday, where meme's are not against the rules, as long as they are PC gaming related. I was also thinking of - Free Friday, so as long as its pc related, or gaming related, its ok to post. So if you want to ask about game suggestions, tech support, or something else in the off topic side, barring NSFW, ads, spam...etc, friday is the day. Now there are communities built around those I have suggested already out there, so if anyone feels like it would pollute our community, or have other objections, please let me know. If there is no real pushback, tomorrow will be set for our first free friday, lets see how it goes. I'm going to learn myself how to make/get a bot to auto post as reminders when it starts and ends seeing as we don't all live in the same timezone. Since I am in western Canada, and follow mountain time, for the *time* being, I'll use my timezone as the 'standard' for the theme days. this may change depending on how everyone feels.

thats about how long it took me to get the realistic reactor mod to work with my BP

I made a post on reddit a few years back on the off chance anyone wants to know more about it. I’d repost on lemmy but its looooooong

Mod Post
So we have been around for a little while now and I was wondering what everyone's thoughts are for our little community. Do you have any ideas for changes, do you like it the way it is, should we open up the rules a bit, or maybe I should activate the delete button more often? I currently have no plans to change things up, its been a super easy job being a mod here. Please don't take this as I'm looking to overhaul the community at all, just want to know what you all think about the future of PC Gaming. Thoughts and suggestions are welcome

Bethesda games are full of bugs, ill wait a year or so before i decide to buy it or not. Dont get me wrong, FO4 is still my favourite game of all time, so im sure ill like it. I bought FO76 at half price and i still feel ripped off, so I will wait and see how they screw up starfield.

so, you posted this 2 days ago, you really dont need to keep reposting. next time im removing it. im not trying to be a dick, but it really wasnt that far down the list, no need to repost that soon imo.

got me an RX-6650-XT mech from amazon for just under $400 after tax and other bs (canadian $$) keep an eye on the card(s) you want and hold out till a sale. Also, I only looked at the msi store, not the rando’s selling cards. I know lots can be trusted, but so many are just scammers so I didnt want the chance of a problem.

yup, same here. simcity, cities: skylines, even satisfactory im currently playing on ‘easy’.

12V 9Ah batteries

I have 4, now I want to build my own UPS

Edit: turns out I must have given away my good-er inverter, the one I have now is rated at 240w/2.1A continuous

probably should have kept my mouth shut eh

altho i did kinda find the report for you harassing me Threatening behaviour, kinda funny

Unimportant mod post
Hello all, I am not sure how you have all been so good, but not a single post has been flagged, nor has a single comment. Nothing has come across my mod notification since I started here. Ok I shouldn't really be all that surprised, its a good bunch of folks we have here. Or I'm just not doing my job and no one has fired me. Either way, thank you all for making my mod job....well, pointless!

Fallout 76
Yeah, I know this is a hot button issue, has been for years. I bought the game when it was half off, still feel ripped off. however I played it, like some aspects of it, even did the private server for a month. Could not justify the cost and I kinda stopped playing it all together. Think I was in the level 60-70 range. Anyone here still playing it? Is it any better than 1.5years ago? I kinda want to play it again.

I started my GPU addiction with a voodoo 3dfx, even installed my own cpu cooler to it since the heatsink was not enough to keep it cool. Stuck with them when NVIDIA bought them out until I started selling PC’s back in the early 2000’s. Became an AMD and MSI authorized reseller and never looked back!

fewest bugs

so, like 5,000 still?

although im not ashamed to admit i still play FO4 to this day, I am however ashamed of the hours I have dumped into it. Hell, I even built my last PC just for FO4

Baldur’s Gate 3

Eh? Loved the original, played it directly after Darksun. Honestly dont remember if i played #2 or not

why must every car be in a single lane on the freeway!!!

yeah, even with TM:PE I still got single lane backups. There was a mod that forced random lane changes, speeding, running red lights, etc. It helped, but never fully fixed the issue.

Meet the new mod!
Hello everyone, I'm Uncle and just been appointed a mod here. Big fan of PC games, FO4 will forever be one of my favourite games, bugs and all. Been a PC gamer since, well the 90's, so you can call me old, but i prefer Uncle. Rocking a R5 5600x paired with 32G of 3200 mhz ram and a new RX-6650-XT as of last month. More RGB than I will *ever* admit to having. Still a bit new to the site as of today, but learning it quickly. Birds? you talking about birds? oh wait, wrong community!! Back to PC gaming topic's! Feel free to ask me questions, I'll do my best to answer in a timely manner. Still figuring out the formatting of post's, so forgive my noobness Edited: spelling