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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2023


Finally a use for the Mr Fusion I got off that old Delorean!

It is no coincidence that the 980 ti was the last top end GPU I purchased from Nvidia. Their greed is out of control and I can’t believe a meaningful number of people have gone along with it.

Fine, let’s go with BotW was a bad Zelda game and I strongly disliked it. I tried to like it and played all the way through because I was stubborn, but in the end I think it sucked as did my friends (they all quit long before I did). I wish I hadn’t bought it or spent time in it.

Also, I disagree that it changed the open world landscape. H:ZD released before BoTW did, did the open world stuff better (IMO), and still doesn’t seem like it was radically novel at the time other than the story/setting. The only truly novel thing about BotW was that it was open world in a Zelda game.

Your list of games would definitely rank higher for me as well (assuming Divinity 2 means Divinity: Original Sin 2). I’m sure there are a ton of games in there I’ve forgotten that would also quality.

I’m shocked that BoTW was considered the top game of the 2010s. I felt BoTW was mediocre over all on top of not feeling like a Zelda game at all. As far as open world games, I felt that Horizon: Zero Dawn was more compelling in both gameplay and story and I’m still not sure I’d rank it as a top game of the decade.

The Dead Cells team definitely has the chop to make a great game, even if I feel it won’t be exactly like an Iga game. That being said, they are likely better off not letting Konami swallow them based on how they have treated their previous star developers. (I’m still pissed about how they treated Kojima).

Also thanks for reminding me about their pachinko obsession. I don’t know why it feel so bizarrely amusing to me, but it does. I just hope they can finally get SOTN ported to PC before they go full pachinko.

It was nice to see the “Dominus Collection” get released on PC at least, but I’m not sure Konami is capable of making a new and actually good -vania game without Iga.

Good luck! I am about the same place in my career and I also wanted to actually release a game (not just make 80% of a game in secret!).

I don’t recall Arena having many patches, but since there wasn’t a great way to distribute patches back then, they probably had no choice but to get their shit at least mostly stable before shipping.

I think most Atari 2600 games fell into this trap, not just because they tended to have some of the most awesome covers and lacking tech, but some were just awful ports or phoned in licensed games.

I don’t have many specifically coming to mind, but the Raiders of the Lost Ark game had a really cool cover (still does, but also used to), but the game was an impenetrable mess, both visually and from a game play standpoint. It was quite complex though, so maybe there was something interesting beneath the depths that kid me could never figure out.

Ok, I see where you’re going now, but I’m still not sure I agree with you here overall for the genre.

I think the “add tactics” thing is already done to a degree in these games as early enemies in these games tend to be dead simple since players like likely still acclimating to the game, but I suspect that there is only so much you can do before you end up turning later enemies into some sort of frustrating puzzle. Diablo-likes, for better or worse, aren’t generally mind bending affairs, high skill ceiling affairs.

There is definitely room in the genre for more tactical, skill dependent entries, but I not sure the end result would be as fun for most people as that would be a fundamentally different type game. Hey, maybe I am wrong and this would lead to some sort of souls-like Diablo game where skill and learning are all that matters and items and character building are far less important. Come to think of it, that sounds a lot like Hades in a way.

Your desire to dumb down diablo-likes is your own and I hate it. PoE and Grim Dawn are about the only games like this that I have truly enjoyed in a long time. Blizzard ruined Diablo and WoW with this bullshit take.

I had a couple Windows Mobile/Pocket PCs. They were flawed, yet awesome in their own way. Early Android was clearly better, but sadly it’s become a locked down spy fest. I’d love a new real “Pocket PC”.

Even in the unlikely event that Elon did get a colony going on Mars, he’d be like Cohaagen from Total Recall, but worse.

I’ve been playing them since the first game and I don’t think I’ve truly loved any of them since 4. So even though I’ve bought them all thus far, it is pretty easy to skip one of I don’t like where they go. No games series can last forever.

I’ll be honest here, the theme/vibe put me off enough that I never bothered to download the demo. I’ll give it a shot to see if it is as good as the steam reviews are making it out to be, but the devs need to consider than a couple hundred very positive reviews on a platform with many tens of millions of players doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get financial success. It could be that the unconventional theme/graphics and novel/unfamiliar gameplay can be a tough sell.

Thanks, so it is probably hit and miss on that feature, but I’d also probably rarely use it. I still might pick this up as it looks very cool.

I used to use Mortplayer on Android for years which played FLACs and used folders well. I don’t know the current state of the app, but it might be worth looking into.

Ok, wait, so this thing also works as an actual cassette? That’s so hilariously awesome I might get it purely for that gimmick.

I am the opposite. When I was younger, I have significantly more free time and certainly better reflexes.eye-hand coordination. I doubt I could come close to beating any of the more challenging NES games that I did when I was a kid (not that Mario Sunshine was in that era).

Your experience mirrored mine, except that I also played the original. The game had some good ideas and mechanics, but it was frustrating and one of the few Super Mario games that I didn’t even want to finish.

It worked as of six months ago, but it is possible that was patched in this recent “fix”.

The W11 installer sadly doesn’t allow that anymore with the current versions. If you have that older installer, keep it safely archived.

Our sister company had their VPN broken by this and we had to switch to another system. Even though it wasn’t a particularly secure VPN (IPSec), the builtin Windows VPN was extremely reliable and convenience compared to shit like Pulse.

I concur completely. I mean, I like Morrowind quite a bit, but coming from playing 1000 hours in Daggerfall and seeing this tiny simplified, constrained game world in the sequel was disheartening. The fact that everything since has been so much worse in that regard had made Morrowind age pretty well I suppose.

I switched from Win7 to Linux, but you are right, few stuck to their guns on that threat. My only Windows machine now is a work laptop that I have to use for some tasks. Admittedly, even Win 10 is looking good now compared to Win11. MS is doing a bang up job as being consumer antagonists.

Preach. Daggerfall was the first PC game I got on release. It was the buggiest game I have ever played, and I loved it. Morrowind was such a shock in size and complexity reduction that it took me a while to like it. In retrospect, especially knowing how the following games went, it was great, cliffracers aside.

I have never had an issue either. We’re all just tiny anecdotes in a sea of users. I mean, people that don’t have issues won’t generally post about it on forums, so of course people will generally only see others posting about similar issues unless they are some magical unique unicorn.