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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Sep 02, 2024


Love doing this when people complain their phone is slowing down due to age

I need to re set mine up, but my main use cases were opening a music app and playing music, opening Waze, and turning off text notifications if I connected to my cars blue tooth; and connecting to my VPN if I left my home WiFi.

Something else I wanna try soon is silencing my phones notifications if I’m connected to KDE connect on my desktop, since they should come through on the computer anyway

Crazy how they can spend nearly the whole year offering “discounts”. Its almost like they mark them up way more than they need to on purpose so they can pretend they’re giving us a deal the rest of the time.

Maybe its the 'tism but I never gave a shit about most microtransactiony things unless they have a “pay-to-win” element. That’s why I gave up on GTA online.

But if its just like “exclusive skins”, I could give a shit. My default skinned character can still win against a guy in a bear-suit with a golden AK and that’s really all I need. I have no particular FOMO of not winning the fashion part of the game.

I do wish games I could turn off their constant begging for my money though.

I simply don’t trust any company that provides a “free” service and is owned by Tencent, who has a 35% stake in Discord.

Giving it to China for free isn’t selling. Its just called “investor relations”

“by selling all our data to language learning models like everyone else is”

I imagine China is using it for free since Tencent owns a 38% stake.

I know deleted by creator isn’t the original post but, it does sound like a spooky game