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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 04, 2024


Shape of Dreams, a top down action roguelite. It’s incredibly well executed and highly enjoyable.

Nvidia - $50, the way it’s meant to be played.

Yup, I didn’t get it because there simply wasn’t enough seasonal content, loot boxes, battle passes, and FOMO elements. Better luck next time EA!

DLSS isn’t just frame generation, the SS in name is for Super Sampling. It’s the best solution we have to graphical issues like subpixel shimmering and moire effects that are especially prevalent in modern titles due to contemporary graphical effects and expectations, and it might be quite a while before we invent something better.

I would. I’ve tried many MH-like games. God Eater, Wild Hearts, Toukiden etc, and find them all enjoyable.

I’m extremely picky, and I’m lucky to have a game I love to bits that’s been consistent the last two decades. I don’t think it’s a bad thing, and I’ve come to accept it. I still play games socially with my friends, even if I wouldn’t have played that game by myself.

I went through the same thing you did, trying games that are popular and finding that I don’t enjoy them that much, and then thinking that I’ve become jaded and no longer enjoy games. However when I do play a game I enjoy I enjoy it very much indeed, so perhaps I’m not jaded after all.

There’s no accounting for taste.

Have you tried Teardown? Is that accurate enough?

Doesn’t seem unreasonable, I wouldn’t want to associate myself with misbehaviour either.

Now I have even more reason to ignore the game by a gigantic corporation.

Some of us are jaded and won’t accept microstuttering or poor performance, but considering Fortnite’s success I believe that a large number of players surely must not mind, especially if it goes away after a while.

We can start with larger, much more influential social media platforms. How about Twitter?

The same Sony that put some software on CDs that would install itself, could not be removed, and was invisible to the end-user? Oh yeah, very secure.

I understand the reason for this, but if this is what they’ve decided to do they should also provide a trusted HSBC keyboard that can only be used with their banking application.

There’s a distinct lack of specifics in the article, and I wonder if that’s because Netflix know something the rest of the game industry doesn’t and aren’t letting on, or if they don’t.

I would like to find a game free of political message,

They asked for a game free of political messages, and got several. Are you sure that’s not what they meant? Does Tic Tac Toe have political messages? What about 2048?

May I interpret this as a personal attack anyway, please? I’d like something to get angry about for no reason.

I believe those are games made by other studios with the League IP and published by Riot. AFAIK there’s no reason for them to have anticheat.

I do everything important like banking etc on a separate device that isn’t my gaming PC. This has been quite liberating since I worry less about invasive anti-cheat, drm etc. I realize not everyone wants to do this but it’s been a nice compromise.

The point of anti-cheat is to create a substantial barrier for cheating. If you have to go the extra mile to run an external hardware cheat so as to be “undetected” then surely this means the anti-cheat is working. If it were as ineffective as you imply, cheaters would be cheating on their main accounts.

their insistence on allowing Japanese businesses to attempt to apply Japanese laws in jurisdictions and countries that the laws do not and can not apply

How is this the Japanese government’s responsibility? They aren’t enforcing those laws in countries they don’t have jurisdiction, are they? Or do you mean the average person in Japan?

Since they have competitive online multiplayer an anti-cheat is needed, otherwise the MP turns into a hellhole of cheaters. As much as I wish that this wasn’t the case.

I strongly encourage you to try making a game to see what it’s like, especially if it sounds like you might enjoy doing it.

Google also wanted the studio to make games that could only be played on the cloud.

I wonder what kind of game this would’ve resulted in?

Maybe they’re going with the “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” approach.