The lack of backwards comparability is because of the large difference in architecture.
The PS2 was a128 bit custom processor, the PS3 had PS2 hardware in the original fat versions to achieve backwards compatibility, it was dropped to reduce the price.
The PS3 was a 64 bit (I think) custom PowerPC processor.
With the PS4 Sony switched to x86_64 processors making the console essentially a PC with bespoke custom hardware. The PS5 is the same but better speced components as the tech moved on. That’s why the PS4 & 5 are compatible, they are essentially using the same architecture.
Microsoft is a similar story but they went all in on emulation of their old consoles which is why only certain games are allowed, they only allow the ones tested to work with the emulator.
It’s a minimalistic approach, you get one widget at the top of the screen and then a handful of favourite apps.
There’s no app draw instead you scroll an alphabet on either side of the screen to find apps.
Works really well if you have a lot of apps and you want to find them by name.
In the paid version you can have multiple widgets but they stack in the one spot and you have to swipe between them.
It’s perfect if you want an uncluttered launcher.
Agree completely, Eternal is what stopped me buying preorder, such a let down following 2016 and really didn’t feel like Doom at all.