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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Arrest every member of the ISPs, nationalize the ISP, seize all the assets of its investors and board members, and then force the members of the ISPs to install the promised broadband systems as community service as part of their debt. Make them pay for everything, and don’t allow them to file bankruptcy - all debts will pass to their children, their children’s children, and all their descendents in perpetuity until the debt is paid in full. They made their bed off the backs of the American people. Now let them pay it all back in full.

Expected behavior. Practically every country has been leveraging videogames and social media for the past two decades.

Arr me matey, thar be many a way to acquire that treasure! Ignore the blockades - hoist the colors!

Seems like either it was heavily influenced by it, or those two and factorio, and probably a lot more games I’m not remembering at the moment, are becoming a genre of their own

Control is definitely 10/10 for me, very satisfying once you get used to the mechanics.

Lord of the Rings Online - MMO WoW Monster Hunter World

If the oberstgruppenfuhrer of the schutsstaffel came to your house and asked where the juden were hiding and had a valid order, would you show them the attic?

Good to hear! Looking forward to both functionalities. There’s one particular user that I’m convinced is a troll making the rounds, every one of his posts have been just incendiary remarks, and it’s been frustrating having to switch to browser to report.

I’ve also noticed that posts which show as “deleted by mod” in browser still show up in Connect. Will that be patched as well at some point?

Will there be ways to report posts and view the number of subscribers in a community when searching?