if they turned the procedural generator at people, food, supplies and weapons instead of the landscapes… game would have been amazing
the other problem was traveling, they needed to make travel a painful burden… because when it became a quick loading screen and you are there… omfg it ruins the stories the npc’s are trying to tell
wtf you left your crew out here to die?! it took me 5 minutes to get here…
the video for Alvvays song Many Mirrors is done by the same dev, its charming and I think it fists the song so well
(the song is a love song written by the guy in the band for the singer and the singer sings it. so cute!)
MobileGamer.biz contacted Apple for comment but didn’t hear back.
did they wait a few weeks?
Red Dead is a work of art. It’s just shameful that Rockstar has neglected it.
Starfield is such a piece of shit, it actually gets me upset thinking about how bad of an experience it was. I finished it just so I would know how it turns over and I’m still angry about it. Thankfully I waited until it was less than $50
A little off topic
We used pidgin for short while at work. I got a ticket that this lady was getting out of disk errors. It was a new laptop so I was confused. I couldn’t find the culprit right away and ran windirstat on it. Pigin had created a 200+GB log file in her profile. I couldn’t believe it. We stopped using it shortly after that.
Working at Microsoft was great until Steve Balmer. The thing that did me in was a couple of teams were meeting to discuss how MS could improve or look to invest in places that MS was not normally a player. I made a argument that Linux was not going away and that Microsoft should really start looking at how it keeps older systems going and how much e-junk is created because we (Microsoft) artificially make hardware obsolete.
Embracing Linux and admitting to playing with it at home was the final straw. My career at MS was over. One of my friends told me he overheard and saw it in writing and suggested that I look for a job outside of MS because they were going to make my life hell.
And just the other fucking day Microsoft annoyances that they are introducing SUDO to powershell. Fucking LOL
I work in the public sector now because fuck corporate IT
The original Fallout is one of the great gaming experiences I have ever had. Fallout 2 was great and fixed a lot of the problems the first one had but the first one was something very special when it was fresh. It had the greatest user guide of all time. I have never seen a better guide. It stands on its own and the two together are part of what made it just so iconic.