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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 25, 2023


What are carriers doing now? I remember I used to get a new iphone for like $50 bucks through AT&T but they stopped doing that a while ago.

Intel CPUs have a part of it that’s inaccesible to anyone but Intel. It can run when the computer is off, access the internet, etc. It’s already well documented and apparently has been a thing for years. I don’t think it’s causing crashes all of a sudden.


I assumed it was because the crashes are hard to reproduce for everybody? I have an OC’d 13th gen that doesn’t have issues.

What was the percentage of people who chose to save Arcadia Bay vs the other choice? I can’t remember.

I don’t think it’s boring but I agree it’s not good.

I was able to add the custom search option with Firefox beta for android but the “web” filter isn’t available to me yet.

I think there was a similiar issue a few months ago with Asus motherboards and AMD CPUs. Forgot the reasoning.

They took it down only after CD Projekt promised they could get refunds from Sony.

Well if we’re arguing subjectivity, then none of us “need” it. Either enjoy whatever you get without it or stop playing.

Glad to see an article go indepth on a videogame’s pc performance. Wish they would’ve used a 4090 for the 4K tests though.

I would agree it’s more reliable but I also would think the majority of players are still using battle.net.

According to some sites, millions of people play it every month.

How are you going to have the screen name of “prettybunnys” and only post pictures of cats?

I play Max Payne (2 is my favorite) for the story, characters and game play. They’re all great. I think I disagree with just about everything you’ve said.

The team behind the Alan Wake, Quantum Break, and Control series…

Proceeds to leave out Max Payne.

I really just got why it’s named that. I’m ashamed.

There were issues with Ratchet and Clank at launch as well.

Because of what you have to do to get her to join your party?

Or they just never had stuttering unless the game was messed up.

Seems about right. I’m actually just ignoring it unless a release date is announced and its like a month away.

Where on the website does it say that? I couldn’t find references to what you’re saying with that link.

In general. Wanted to know what to expect, if there are any issues and which US carrier have the least amount of issues if there are any.

Has anyone here used the international version of a Galaxy S22 or 23 in the US? If so, were there any problems or missing functionality?
Using international here as a stand-in for non US or Canada models. Specifically looking for use cases of the Europe / Africa / Middle East / Oceania model.

I still would recommend a PC. Prebuilts do exist and it’s not like I’ll leave them hanging if they had any questions.

Give them a break. They’re trying to fit in.

I think the point of contention is the “consistently” part to which I disagree.

The article should have just left it at ignorance about frame generation is what caused some people to dislike it.

Also, not sure what you’re talking about when it comes to 40 series card owners but I welcomed DLSS3.