• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 06, 2023


I couldn’t stand much of Outer Worlds tbh. Avowed has been a 100% upgrade from my perspective. Not being able to kill NPCs and having no repercussions for stealing just seemed like they were transposing PoE mechanics to the first person perspective.

I really don’t like tactics style gameplay which only a couple of exceptions. Traditional RealTime with Pause is much more appealing to me after playing so much of the old Baldurs Gate games. This is partially why I could never get into the Divinity: OS games and why I’ve been avoiding BG3. I usually just want to instagib scrubs instead of entering a series of elaborate menus.

I just swapped to Ubuntu on my straggler/media server Windows 10 desktop. Have been running Gentoo on another PC for years but never had so much trouble as trying to setup bumblebee with a GTX960 - holy crap nvidia suck so hard. The other PC is all AMD so I was living in blissful ignorance.

I believe they call this “biting the hand that feeds”. I don’t think there are a load of heteronormative bros in there buying funko pops.

Their Luna product seems to be different to Steam. It’s a streaming platform like Playstation Now or the Google Stadia one that got shut down.

The other games that they’ve got on there primarily seem to be DRM-free GOG codes, mixed with some for the Epic store. Maybe they meant they were taking on Steam by boosting their competitors?

“Powerful” probably wouldn’t be the word I’d use given that security updates have stopped. Maybe “foolhardy”?

Watching the review from Gmanlives I was struck by how much the game looked like PoE from a first person perspective. Including the mechanics. Like he was complaining about the objects in the world not reacting and stealing not being a mechanic but that’s exactly how it works in PoE (and Baldurs Gate). Also the spells look like they have moved over 1:1.

Digimon Survive was a great VN from a few years back. Darker than I’d expected. Almost a spiritual successor to Devil Survivor.

Will definitely be dipping into gamepass to try this one out

I’ve been waiting for a sale before grabbing it on xbox. Moderate fan of the original AW and absolutely loved Control. Remedy are amongst the most unique devs out there right now.

AM2R (Unofficial Metroid 2 Remake)
This game is unbelievable for an indie dev to create for free. Production values are through the roof. It plays like Zero Mission on the GBA and arguably does a better job of remaking the classic than the official 3DS Samus Returns game. I'm playing on PC but there is also an Android APK if you search for it.

A lot of the new Hitman games systems could be transposed into a James Bond game without the disguises and they’d still be compelling. I’m imagining the silent assassin runs where you don’t ever change into a disguise that are possible on certain levels.

I picked up Andromeda for my Series S recently because it was on sale for ~£3 or so. Never played it during its rough launch. I did play a little of the original ME games when I was hanging out with friends back in the day but not a super fan. Although I’ve spent a lot of time on Bioware’s old Infinity Engine games.

I think that game might be underrated. This could just be a patient gamer moment but the writing is pretty good and I’m finding the initial sidequests to be immersive and compelling. Moment to moment gameplay is smooth too, with combat being a lot better than how I remembered the others to be. Interesting playing it when it was pretty much the beginning of the end for Bioware.

Astro Bot from what I’ve seen - and played a bit of - is more similar to Mario Galaxy in level design and that game is maybe the best 3D Mario.

I hope this is on gamepass because I love Obsidian but have been unconvinced by the gameplay I’ve seen so far.

I hope they have crossplay between different OS’s figured out this time. Discovering I couldn’t play Civ 6 with my friends who were using Windows or MacOS was a major factor in me dropping it shortly after release.

He was once a store from around the way… Steam-y

They are cancelling the preorders because the RRP for the game is going to be much higher than when it was initially announced due to game price inflation

One big issue is that military service is mandatory for men only so they feel they are being disadvantaged doing it while their women counterparts are getting degrees and established in the job market. That part seems like it could be solved by making it compulsary for both sexes like Israel does - assuming they want to keep up military service. I don’t see how they can stop given their neighbours.

Is there any strategy for this level apart from kiting the enemies into your line of sight while you are shielded from the centre cube? Maybe the WAD could be tweaked. Cool project though!

Got 5 days left to finish Indiana Jones before the GamePass subscription times out.

The EU and Australia seem to be inching towards serious legislation relating to MTX. Hopefully they can serve as an example.

The government need to get involved and relegate MTX. I agree they are responsible for hosting the platform and developing the systems in the case of CS skins. It’s ugly but Valve are behaving as a rational business actor in this scenario.

Anyone have the archive.org (or any other paywall side-stepping software) link for this article? I don’t want to sign up for NYT,

Balatro is my current go-to game. Not sure if it is patient gamer material since it came out relatively recently but it is cheap and on all platforms. Poker themed maths game.

Xonotic is mint can’t recommend it enough! has replaced Quake 3 for me

They probably have some checklist which has vague definitions of “glamourising” gambling. I reckon this game unwittingly strays into the red tape in its presentation along with the poker theme (like I’ve said elsewhere it’s more a maths game than a poker game). The music and lights despite being atmospheric and ambient probably have some similarities to fruit machine like environments in the sense the music is repetitive and there is flashing visual feedback.

Edit: Should say it’s still B.S. to rate it 18. Just that I can imagine ratings boards can’t apply independent thought/logic.

It’s really more like a poker themed maths game. Would probably be good for a kid to pick it up. (They may or may not turn into a poker pro later in life too!)

It’s a shame this gets 18+ while the MTX fuelled FIFA games all get 3+ ratings.

I’ve owned this game for years and I love RTwP combat in games like PoE and Baldurs Gate (first two). You’ve convinced me to give it another try!

I found when they used that same device to explain the ending of Hellblade 2 really unsatisfying.which is a shame because I’d really enjoyed the journey.

I love Obsidian writing and quest design but the gameplay for this one looks bad from the trailers. Like a UE5 asset flip.

I hope I’m wrong. Will play for sure if it’s on gamepass.

The engine itself is clearly optimised to build fortnite and everything else needs to bend it to suit any other style of game.

I enjoy how old your picks are for the more modern games too! HoMM3 is a stone cold classic.

Love my DS! Took a picture of some of my favourites for a mastodon thread earlier but will share here -

I’m not convinced by your approach but I respect that you’ve put a lot of thought into it. I guess my main issue is that it seems some parents don’t think about it at all.

People need to understand that the internet is a public space. Family PCs should be in a shared space like the living room and kids need to have parental controls enabled on their smart phone. Beyond that, yeah people need to get thicker skins when it comes to social media (including steam in this).

I believe the Switch version does not require an online account either.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II: Accessibility Review
Playing Hellblade 2 at the moment myself. Personally I'm fortunate not to need any of the accessibility features but I found this review to be a fascinating read. The reviewer also compares the accessibility options to some other recent AAA releases in this [reddit comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/1cx2kv3/senuas_saga_hellblade_ii_review_thread/l5ata8m/). In terms of my opinion of the game: I've only got the Series S version so it's not the full fat graphics but even then they are stunning. I think some of the negative reviews were from people wanting it to be a different type of game, however, if you are aware it is basically a walking simulator with Punchout combat every so often then the story and world takes centre stage. The world is similar to God of War (2018) but grittier and focusing on other aspects of Scandi mythology. I think I like this world more.