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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Aug 20, 2024


Speak for yourself. The only mod slop i consumed was Tribes and Unreal Tournament

I don’t mind it when it’s done well, just as some more diverse gameplay to change things up. The problem is that it’s often done in the most annoying way possible where it just becomes a dumb timing puzzle that you need to memorize in sections and it ends up being almost impossible to do it right the first time.

The better alternatives are worse though. Key based authentication would allow you to effectively authenticate a trusted account on a trusted device with a single action, but requires you to not lose your keys, or to have a multifactor fallback. This is what I want tbh - I tap my yubikey when I set up my phone, and now it doesn’t require passwords. For extra security, require tap on boot.

It’s absolutely crazy that the shitlords have won so much influence that companies are literally putting out anti-diversity memos. Holy shit, grow a fucking pair. You have first hand experience that diversity is an important part of creative teams but you are so afraid of some fucking neckbeards that you can’t even stand by these extremely low hanging values which are extremely obvious to anyone who is a productive member of society?

But also, don’t be afraid to just read this stuff online. The game is so big it gets tedious if you don’t have a huge amount of time to devote to it. That can really kill motivation to keep going.

This is honestly the biggest disappointment in the third game and is due to the console focus. The second game has much deeper combat because kb&m really opens up ability to get creative with complex magic, potion and swordplay combos.

Just access your account through the browser, and then change insurance companies to one which doesn’t insist on harvesting your data.

As the movie industry discovered, it’s a dice roll in terms of pissing off the censors. Hard to invest millions when something as stupid as a map can get your game banned.

Segfaults in my house: kernel whoopsie ☺️

Segfaults in your house: kernel panic 😡

Isn’t this what quantum dots are supposed to do? My new QDOLED TV is already uncomfortable at full brightness IMO.