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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2024


Falsehood is fruitless from the start so don’t worry, Truth always prevails as they say

was Road Rash the one with live action police arrest cutscenes ? i remember a motorcycle game where two cops put you inside their car trunk but don’t remember the title

i have a theory about some games not being popular/successful because of the lack of word of mouth and anti-Piracy measures being the reason, maybe someone already made a study on this

is there any open source Android Keyboard with a translate feature?

will using a custom ROM not break the security of the device as designed by Google? or will relocking the bootloader be enough?

hopefully no one is dumb enough to oppose this advice, publicly at least.

what point? they can decide not to play the game and share their lame political opinions to their followers, hell they can even go on a rant about how Nuking China will cure cancer if they want. free will and all that