• 4 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


By default, Google is making all widgets available on the lockscreen “to prioritize user choice and customization,” but an opt-out API is offered to developers.

That’s nice.

this game is so buggy

In our brief testing, we’ve not noticed any direct user-facing changes with this latest update. This update also doesn’t address a “reboot” issue that made headlines last week despite affecting a very small number of users.

Hiding ideas in text so dense it requires a Babel fish to understand won’t bring many people with us.

Solutions don’t need to be easy or bite sized, but they do need to be explained in a way that people want to read.

Burying them in dense text is one step away from putting them on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying “Beware of the Leopard.”

Burying a call to action in dense text is such a pain in the butt. I’m generally interested, but considering how many of these go nowhere, it doesn’t seem worth the effort.

It looks like The Finals doesn’t, but I think most other games do.

I like:

  • customizable swipe left/right gestures,
  • swiping to close a post,
  • being able to set the font size of the different parts of the post list,
  • different display formats for different communities,
  • switching between accounts easily,
  • the markdown hints in the editor,

I don’t think any of these are unique. I just like this implementation.

I’m pretty basic:

  1. Sync
  2. Chrome
  3. Reddit
  4. Antenna Pod
  5. Guardian newspaper app
  6. Google Play Books
  7. Libby

I have a Pixel 8 Pro. My previous Pixel (a 4XL) barely lasted a day with low/moderate usage. The P8P ends each day around 50-60%, has a pretty good camera, and has good enough performance. I feel like the UI responsiveness has improved over time, but that’s probably my imagination.

It’s probably to stop third party apps from screenshoting the banking app.

  • All duplicate tabs, bar the most recently used copy, would be archived.
  • This feature joins a toggle to automatically archive inactive tabs.

A tablet is nice because it’s a bigger screen. I like reading ebooks on them. (plz don’t tell me to get an e-reader)

A watch is nice because it means you can ignore your phone, but still reply to notifications. I like the more accurate step count. I’d really like a device that counts my lengths when swimming too, but I haven’t had a chance to use one yet.

In both cases I’ve gotten devices that have more battery than I expect. I rarely found myself in a situation where charging was a hassle.

Ara was pretty cool. I really like the idea, but I was never clear on what the mods would contain.

A couple are obvious: biggest batteries and fancier cameras, but what then? I can see enthusiast stuff like an IR camera, and maybe some nonstandard radios. But is that enough to appeal to most consumers?

What kind of “oh” are we talking about? A sexy “oh”? Or disapproving? Surprised? Or like a late night comedian?

I’ve been using a dbrand case for around a year. I like it.

Unlike the other commenter, I do occasionally take the case off. I’ve noticed no ill effects.

That’s a great recommendation. I tried Paprika and a couple of others. Paprika is winning so far.

I grabbed it yesterday. It does a great job of pulling recipes off sites.

I’m trying it out now. It seems pretty great.

I’ll give it a shot. Thanks!

Thanks! I’ll take a look!

Recipe app
I remember someone posting a great Android recipe app a while ago, but I can't remember the name of it. The feature that caught my interest was being able to download a recipe from free form pages. Anyone got a suggestion?

It looks like a pretty minor change, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

Yeah, I’d like to use the network, but the reviews are pretty bad. That and the lack of UWB makes it seem pretty weak.

I’m impressed how el Reg fleshed out a pretty sparse story with a bunch of relevant (self) links.

I like Sync. It’s fast and I find it really easy to use.

That sounds like an awesome feature, but no, I don’t have it. And I’m not sure I ever did.

Magic Eraser is pretty hokey. Every time I use it, I need to wait for a while, and then I get a smeary result that I don’t want.

I charge my P8Pro once every two days. It’s magical.

I was just grumbling about this today. It’s one of those little changes that might help someone, but interrupts a flow that worked well for me.

What wasn’t confirmed, though, is whether first-person will feature in any of the main modes, or if it will be just limited to the game’s Unreal Editor.

Seems significant.

I play Fortnite cross platform with Switch and PC. The Lego mod is open world. I’m not sure it’s playable on Linux.

I enjoyed that brief Android Chrome experiment where the browser supported moving the address bar to the bottom. Now that feature has been made available on iOS, but remains AWOL on Android.

Why don’t more phones have symmetric bezels?
Asymmetric bezels low key bug me. Are there technical reasons why they're hard?

Razr overload
Anyone else getting inundated with ads for the Razr+? I'm seeing a tsunami of ads and reviews saying how awesome the outer screen is. Maybe it's great. But I'm having a hard time understanding why a small(er) screen on a thick hunk of technology is better than a big screen on a thin hunk of technology.