If the password hashes aren’t salted they can be cracked with a rainbow table - every password up to (whatever length the rainbow tables go up to now - 10 chars?) is easily cracked in seconds
I expect Internet archive salts their password hashes.
It doesn’t matter if the salting method is known, all salting methods are known and it’s easy to see what salt a password is hashed with as you need to know so you can hash a received password the same way for validation
The real advice is to use a password manager to generate random passwords and store them for you, so no two passwords are the same, and the only password you need to remember is the one to unlock the password manager
I use keePass as it’s open source and available on all operating systems. Also you can move the camel case in your head to make it keepAss.
I’m amazed at how much better the official launcher is on Linux than on windows.
I have gotten more free accounts on Minecraft than any other game. I bought it twice on Java (not counting copies I bought for family) and once on bedrock, so when they moved accounts to Microsoft and gave every Java account a bedrock account and every bedrock account a Java account, so I now have three on each version. A second (or third) account is useful for rescuing your main account in some circumstances
Glad to have escaped, with gladness tempered by the awareness of the suffering of those who have not escaped
All those religious ads for people “interested in religion” by their participation in /r/atheism
All those political ads for those participating in /r/worldpolitics
Sports ads for members of /r/SuperbOwl
Why don’t I expect Reddit to do this well?
The only thing keeping the main community that I still visit reddit for (not nearly often enough, since I only look at it on old Reddit) on Reddit is discoverability. People search Google and the Reddit community is in the results, so I don’t think they’ll make it log in to view
That same community will probably leave the platform when old.reddit (with Reddit Enhancement Suite) is closed, unless Reddit actually adds comparable mod tools
The article says that it may have been a translation problem
Chinese audiences didn’t hear the same speech we did