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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I watched this as a kid! I didn’t expect anyone else to know it existed lol.

I did this with Death Stranding a few weeks ago, and was trying to decide whether to continue and not know what was going on or just play from the start. But I ended up finding a playthrough from a streamer I like on Youtube, so I just watched those to get caught up.

You could try the “Steam library filters” site someone created here: https://www.lorenzostanco.com/lab/steam/

This lets you include or exclude tags, plus a bunch of other filter and sorting options.

Try UFO 50, it’s got 50 games to bounce around between.

It’s funny that you say there’s no challenge in space combat. I stopped playing after I got stuck on a space battle I couldn’t beat, even after looking for tips online.

It’s hard to beat Obra Dinn, but The Witness is another of my favorite puzzle games.

Edit: “hard to beat” meaning it’s a good game, not that it’s difficult (although it is in fact pretty difficult).

This comment is more effort than the person you’re responding to was going to put into the game.

It’s fun to fire up every now and then and check out what’s new. I mostly play indie games, deckbuilders, etc., so I don’t care about graphics so much.

I will say they did monetization right - free to play with absolutely no pay to win elements.

A couple that I like:

  • 80 Days - it’s not free but I think it’s worth it. It’s a sort of steampunk version of Around the World in 80 Days where you have to plan your routes, and buy and sell things in different cities to make money. The main gameplay is sort of choose-your-own-adventure events that happen during travel and in different cities.

  • Card Thief - I just started playing this recently. It does technically have a microtransaction but it’s more like, they let you play for free if you don’t mind waiting for chests to unlock, or you can buy the game to bypass this. The main gameplay is sneaking through dungeons represented by a 3x3 grid of cards randomly drawn from the deck; collecting treasures and avoiding getting caught.

Seems like it’s not showing up correctly when federating to other instances. Or maybe a version issue.


I will miss the mistakes they made in my favor. Once I bought like $50 worth of groceries, and they just never charged me for it.

Tempest? Or the original Star Wars game?

Sometimes we say about some games “they don’t hold your hand”

However, there is a lot of hand holding in the game :)

America + Oil = War

I saw it coming but it still made me laugh.

Japan: the lowest screen time in Asia and Oceania (also the world)

Data privacy concerns, data privay concerns, data priacy coucerns, and data apiacy concext!

It’s been a while since I played it, but I think They Bleed Pixels might fit the bill on both counts.

Also I recently started The End is Nigh which is another Edmund McMillen game very similar to Super Meatboy. Seems good so far.

The Binding of Isaac. Around 1000 hours between the original and Rebirth.

Isaac + tactics + cats? Sign me up!

In Super Mario Bros 2 you use a slot machine to get extra lives at the end of each level - I hope they’ve banned that game too.

Nice! Thanks for your contribution to the game I’ve spent a few thousand hours of my life playing :D

Eternal Card Game - basically an online MTG clone. It’s always been small, and the userbase has been gradually shrinking since it started. I still think it’s a great game though.