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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2024


I have distinct memories of my buddy completely demolishing the level with the skeletons who play their own bones like xylophones, on the hardest difficulty.

Great music

I haven’t used PCSX in a while, but I remember those settings being obscure af if you’re not like an expert on VRAM and shit. I would just try everything until I found the best settings for the game lol. Thankfully you can save settings per-game I believe.

I believe a Suikoden 1 & 2 remaster is coming out soon.

Hell yes, Gitaroo Man is fucking dope… Had a friend in high school who was like obsessed with that game, he got really good. I tried it again recently on an emulator and holy shit it gets hard after a few levels.

Nah, just bring a pen and paper to the news stand and copy down cheats from “Tips and Tricks” magazine by hand.

Did people actually call those numbers? We couldn’t afford that shit.

To be fair, the entire thing is an ad disguised as an article.

I’ve been playing a lot of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 on PS5 the past few days, and couldn’t even tell there was an outage.

I wish more developers would take advantage of the insane features of the DualSense. It’s sad that a free tech demo does a better job than 90% of the games.

Yeah I think it was kind of like a tech-demo for the Steam Deck. I had fun with it, but I truly don’t remember a single moment from it. These screenshots look completely foreign to me lol.

To be fair, I was probably high when I played it.

There was some kind of high resolution patch, I think? Try googling “the sabateur resolution patch”. I remember there being some jank at first, but once I got it tweaked it worked just fine.

Honestly, I don’t remember specifically, sorry. Have you tried GE Proton?

Did some tinkering to get this working on my Linux pc last year. Only played a few hours, but seemed like a fun game (and who doesn’t love fucking up some Nazis?)

Anyone who’s looking for a great new(ish) cozy game, check out Natsu-Mon.

It would probably help to watch the Action Button review of Boku no Natsuyasumi for some context (yes, I know it is 6 hours long lol… but it’s a really good video).

Hold up, so they went from making the Wolfenstein games, to making an Indiana Jones game where (according to people here) you beat up Nazis?

Based studio…

I can just see the NSA nerds now, “Sir, we have seen a severe uptick in downloads and installations of the video game ‘Woflenstein’… We must do something to stop the propaganda!”

Edit: You know what, I’m gonna leave the typo because I think it makes it even more funny.

More and more, I’ve been coming back to Inglorious Basterds as possibly being QT’s best film.

It is just so goddamn good.

So it sounds like the problem with the game is shitty writing. Not anything about it being “political.”

Breaking the fourth wall, and/or getting meta is nothing new to video games (or like, literally any other form of media). Some people like it, some people don’t.

But that is not a political issue…

Games with literal politics as integral parts of the plot, and the thing that melts these snowflakes is the existence of a gay person. Something that’s only “political” if you’re a complete piece of shit.

It’s only recently that Italians have been considered “white.” So the Super Mario Bros. series is political and woke I guess?

Then there’s The Last of Us Pt. 2. One of the best narrative games I have ever played, and probably the best of that year (I don’t remember what else came out). Just an amazing experience with a fantastic, deep, heart-wrenching story…

Remember how that one turned out? I’m pretty sure at least one voice actor was getting literal death threats for voicing a non gender-conforming main character… Just think about how fucking stupid that is for a moment. The person reading a script into a microphone… That would be like threatening Sebastian Stan because he played Trump in that shitty movie.

This is why we can’t have nice things. I love video games, but “gamers” are just embarrassing. I don’t want to be associated with that shit.

Snowflakes are so upset that they have to see or interact with LGBTQ character(s) in video games, because to them their very existence is “political.”

Same as saying a game is “political” because there’s a black person in it.

including gay characters is only political if it is something you object to. Are black characters also political?

Exactly. I’m never even aware of these controversies until I see people whining about it online, because a gay or trans character in a video game means literally nothing to me. Why would I care?

And there are people that it does matter to; representation in media is important. So that’s just all positives and no negatives in my mind.

Also makes for more variety in plots and settings. Win/win/win.

LGBTQ people existing in video games is only “political” if you’re a bigot. It’s really that simple.

Ya people play video games to escape these politics.

Speak for yourself

Yep that same Gabe.

I get it, he’s a billionaire and he’s got yachts. Billionaires should not exist, I agree. That’s a different discussion.

I’m not worshiping the dude, I’m just saying that it is unlikely that he would allow something like that. It is antithetical to Valve’s ethos up to this point.

Unless some major structural changes happen at Valve (Gabe leaves and/or the company goes public), I sincerely doubt they would ever do this.

Dude… That level is amazing. But there’s soooo much more, even if you don’t have a TON of PlayStation nostalgia. It’s just a really good platformer. Best non-Nintendo 3D platformer I’ve played, by far.

This game was decent, but I feel like Astro Bot just blows it away in every single aspect.

Yeah people seem to know about Hugo Boss and Volkswagon, etc. working for the Nazi Party, but maybe they don’t realize why?

I think Skyrim is when many gamers realized this. The quests in Oblivion were better, and aside from that, it was just more of the same.

If you’re looking for that dopamine hit for finding hidden paths/areas, then check out pretty much any From Software game.

Depends on the game. Demon’s Souls is the most punishing… But Dark Souls 1 was pretty brutal as well. Not only did you lose all of your souls upon death, but you would lose your “humanity” as well, lowering all of your stats significantly and you can only cure it with a special item. Shit was pretty annoying. Elden Ring did something similar with the whatchamacallit rune thing in the top left corner that deactivates when you die, but that was more forgiving.

To be fair, you can just return it on Steam if you play less than 2 hours. So you can try every single game first if you really wanted to.

Oh they absolutely will though. No fucking way they would force themselves to compete with a free (and probably better) version of the same game.