The game is still fun and they’re releasing content in a somewhat steady manner.
It isn’t as good as OW was in its heyday but frankly it’s still fun.
The new hero is a blast.
That said my buddy and I 100% switched to rivals the day before the new overwatch season (with the new hero) dropped and I have very little want to go back to OW2 right now.
I’d like an invite toooooo
Christ alive.
No. Actually. The 32TB drive is a single point of failure for all your data.
Splitting it means you have 2 points of failure but for only half your data.
From an integrity and availability standpoint the two disk solution, while wildly ridiculous and dumb as fuck, is actually better.
Both solutions are ridiculous and dumb and are not sufficient backup.
You misunderstand the intent then.
Why would anyone back up data in the manner you’re saying? That’s dumb.
Don’t split the data across multiple logical locations, keep it logically contained. A raid designed for availability is better than a single external hard drive but that isn’t what is being talked about.
3 2 1 means keeping multiple copies of the SAME data on multiple media types in multiple locations so you remove a single point of failure.
Xenogears was fun but I preferred the non-mech side of the game much more than the mechs, tbh.