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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 29, 2023


First, that’s your personal usecase. Second, they’re very handy in some games were you have to select an area for example or when you’re in desktop mode. I haven’t used them that much either but they are useful.

Believe it or not, that minuscule fingerprint reader looking thing on the bottom right is a touchpad. I really don’t know what they were thinking.

The proprietary gsync approach with a dedicated hw module is indeed dead and most “g-sync” monitors just use the now pretty common vesa’s vrr (aka freesync).

However I did research a bit and found some “gsync pulsar” monitors but none have been released yet, I believe. They do sound like unnecessary overpriced products though. That’s Nvidia for ya.

Ray tracing*

RTX is a brand.

Regardless, given the performance impact and how few games actually have ray tracing (implemented correctly), it makes more sense to just disregard ray tracing altoghether.

It’s an undercooked technology used to push more expensive products, nothing more.

Regarding dlss vs fsr and xess, yes dlss has better quality but it’s also proprietary so I honestly do not care about it. Just like gsync died, dlss will eventually die as well.

You can provide the updates via f-froid and github. So that’s a non-issue.

Why would google be responsible for this?

Those two things have nothing to do with each other but ok

“up to 144hz”? What? Why would they put an fps cap?

I did (and do) have the families beta on. Maybe that’s the way it worked for some people? I don’t know, but it certainly is what happened in my case.

It actually is how it worked in the beta at least. I’ve been using it for several months with my friends and the invite wouldn’t work unless I had logged into steam on their pc previously.

Almost as if it was a looter shooter. Oh wait…

It’s not bad but it’s not that good either. More like middle of the road but it’s based on a popular IP so people hype it up.

Except I’m not trying to 100% anything? I used a guide just to make sure and I didn’t miss any quests or areas. I didn’t read any spoilers or anything like that.

Honestly, “replay value” is negative for me. I don’t want to do multiple runs for a 90 hour game. There are way too many other interesting games for me to spend that much time playing and replaying just one. I’d rather just use a guide to make sure I don’t miss anything and do a single run.

For example? I mean, it is expensive but there are literally no other phones with the same chipset, an sd card slot and a headphone jack. Vote with your wallet, etc.

Tbf, I also got it for about $600 so in my case it wasn’t that expensive.

Sony Xperia 5V?

Don’t know about that camera stuff but mobile banking doesn’t have any issues. I have the Sony phone I mentioned above, I rooted it and it has the grand total of 0 issues.

Yeah, that has a locked bootloader and even though they promised you’d be able to unlock it, they never provided a way to do so. There’s at least 1 case in which a user sued them over it and asus had to reimburse them.

Not to mention all of the issues with their pc hardware. They’re a shit company and everyone should avoid them.

To be fair, they’re the ones who signed the deal. Hopefully this is something they can learn from for future games.

They should also have a wired option. But I guess that they removed the headphone jack from their latest phone for a reason.

You do understand that it’s not always me though, right? I also don’t use the headset for anything other than pcvr

It’s been almost a year and it still works fine. I even set it up as a dev account to sideload apps and make calls to the wit.ai api in a few projects.

You can create a dummy account and fill it with bogus data. I even share mine so it doesn’t even belong to a single person.

I’m using it now and it still solves any problems you migh have.

The ending doesn’t make sense at all but ok. You do you.

It’s “exclusive” on a different free platform that doesn’t have any extra requirements. Sure, it’s worse than steam in some ways but choosing not to play the game because it’s only on Epic is pretty dumb, honestly.

All of that stuff is cosmetic and you don’t need it. I bought this game when it first released, haven’t spent a dime on it since and I still have fun playing it.