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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


I think you’re talking past me a little. I’m saying the state of Russia now isn’t materially different from Cuba, Laos, North Korea et al

It’s a failed state where the tinpot dictator who runs it is also a gangster who runs rackets out of all national industries. That’s the only kind of state that Communism has ever produced, so you might as well call it that.

The real news story here is that The Elder Scrolls Legends existed in the first place.

You don’t need a separate account to play Leagues or any other temporary game modes. You are correct however that you do need to pay a separate membership for each character unless you’re okay with that character only being able to do F2P activities.

So you’re saying it’s the perfect game to get for playing while AFKing redwoods in old school runescape

game the sex scene are often at the stranges and dumbest times. It breaks the tone and pacing of the story all the time

I’m sorry to say this is very faithful to the books.

Why would anyone give Blizzard a single red cent at this point? Signing up to be bored and get robbed.


I am aware that this would kill SaaS overnight, that’s an intended feature.

A law like this would effectively kill all licensed software that isn’t a full product

What I’m hearing is: this law needs to be a constitutional amendment.

Yeah, they’re trying to say “I’m so deep, give me money”. I seriously doubt the number of autuer-driven art-first video games breaks out of the margin of error

There are lots of identical indie games, usually found in the forms of pixel shit, asset-pack Unity crafters, and melodramatic walking simulators.

Roger Ebert also wrote an article staking his position that Star Wars Episode 1 deserved 3½ out of 4 stars, which makes it somewhat odd to see a website bear his name at all.

They already did it as a minigame that nobody cared about in the Link’s Awakening remake.

I wonder how many of the 37K people playing now are actually real and not bots the publisher is using to fluff the numbers. Maybe I’ve become overly cynical but at this point I assume there’s already a “LowSodiumTheDayBefore” subreddit, and a bunch of accounts posting that “stop having FUN” comic on social media and claiming they have no issues with the game and that everyone who criticizes it is entitled, and screenshots of text-generated death threats being spammed to the developers, and a pre-written “please bear with us” letter

“AI’s idea of what constitutes a human face is the kind of face most frequently considered human by AI”

DOA. Of course, like all Google services, this only exists to get some fresh new analytic data and will be closed dovn .04 femtoseconds after they reach the point of diminishing returns.

Sure. But if you know your product is going to be trash, why not jump ahead of the curve and victimize yourself to start with? It’s not difficult to do these days, and why wouldn’t you do it? Altruism? At this point, not assuming this happens is just naive.

I would say what’s next is preemptively decrying death threats, but they already do that when they preemptively fabricate the death threats.

That has got to be one of the most miserable jobs you can do with a white collar. Imagine trying to asspull Watsonian explanations for questions that only have Doylist answers to people who will mail you anthrax if you just tell them the truth, which is that Nintendo doesn’t give a shit about lore.

/b/ took a big shit in summer 2007 and hasn’t been anywhere near as good since then, and it wasn’t even good before then. The rest of the site, especially the smaller SFW boards, has decent content if you know where to look. /po/ is one of the best places online for papercrafting and origami, for example

Broke: T-Mobile denies new data breach rumors, points to authorized retailer

Woke: T-Mobile denies new penetration rumors, fingers authorized retailer

That’s public information and it’s very basic information. Anyone running a business knows to check to make sure anyone they form a partnership with is a legitimate business, the same way you know not to hire a sore-covered meth addict from Facebook marketplace to redo your floors. The fact that they were using proprietary software was already a red flag anyway,

By the way, yes I’m aware you’re just sealioning, no I’m not going to engage with it.

Cowboys could easily appeal to people from Canada, Mexico, and Argentina as well. I’ve come across a disturbing number of British men who harbor secret fantasies of being wild west cowboys, so probably them too.

Inb4 the “omg this is so entitled I swear I mean you guys are sending us DEATH THREATS I have PROOF that DEATH THREATS were sent to the developers (by our firm’s sockpuppet accounts) and that is so uncool stop being so ENTITLED” PR statement

The point is to use messaging apps as a data collection vector. Once they hit user saturation, they shut it down. That’s what all their product shutdowns are about: they run out of useful analytics.

But for the love of God, say it better than this. The “users only have themselves to blame because they got hoodwinked by a pack of liars and thieves who are very good at being liars and thieves” angle kills any chance of anyone listening to the actual point you’re making because you went and wrapped it up in a giant dose of victim blaming.

I really don’t agree. His phrasing was harsh and unsympathetic, but the world owes nothing to anyone and those developers should have done their due diligence. Trying to cast this in highly broad black-and-white morality isn’t productive. Is it moral what Unity is doing? No. Is it Unity’s right to do this? Legally maybe, but in every other sense, no. Are the developers who decided to use Unity a bunch of wishful thinkers who chose to ignore red flags? Yes. Unity may be thieves, but it’s been clear for a while now that their business model was unsustainable. Everyone who chose to do business with them anyway chose to ignore the warning signs. People are responsible for their own actions, and while they aren’t responsible for being cheated, they are still responsible for ignoring massive red flags with “we’re not a legit business” on them in bright white letters. I, too, blame developers for their share of their predicament, for the same reason that I blame would-be mountain men who starve to death and then get eaten by wolves because they tried to tame a national park with a pocketknife and a Walmart tent.

As for the other people who got really upset, I think choosing to allow yourself to be upset by style to the extent of ignoring the substance is exactly that: an active choice, one you have to consciously make. If you explained to someone why continuing to burn coal for electricity is bad and then finished it with something harsh like “only a total dumbshit would disagree with this”, would that person be justified in saying “What an asshole. Clearly fossil fuels can’t be that bad”? Of course not. If a person did that, they would be in the position of taking in the argument, understanding it, and then actively choosing to disregard it because it conflicts with their feelings. That’s the kind of magical thinking conservatives stoop to when they dispute climate change, the efficacy of vaccines, etc. because they’re butthurt about people saying “of course the world isn’t flat you fucking idiot”. I would hope that people who have a greater degree of emotional maturity than them (i.e. any) would be able to look at a person’s argument from a calmer and more objective point of view. It’s not like that’s even hard.

To be clear, you’re not being unreasonable, but the other people responding to this guy are having proper hissy fits and they really need to get a grip.

It’s also soon to be astroturfed to hell and back with “omg let people enjoy things” and the “stop having FUN” comic any time people mention how dogshit this is.

Atari acquires massive Atari archive (AtariAge) after revealing a ‘new’ 2600 that takes cartridges recaptures their intellectual property rights over former abandonware