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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Dec 04, 2023


His point around 7:20 is very important. It’s a trap of which I am definitely a victim:

" ‘Just hit accept and play. You aren’t important or powerful enough to spend brainpower on this.’

It’s not about whether or not I believe that there will be a societally important reason that I personally sue Blizzard […] It’s about this very slow erosion of rights and the lowering expectations. "

My expectations of corperations is eroded as fuck mane. I literally accept that they are taking advantage of me because ‘that’s just how it is’.

I agree about Rossmann. I see so much critism of him that boils down to “he’s a manic nutbar”. And while he certainly has these qualities, I find it inspiring that he has found so much success with his autism. Doubly-so because he is constantly advocating for people to better themselves and society.

I think you could make it work by giving them each a limited word pool and pre-set phrases to cover for panic/confusion

Lol! True. I’m sure they have millions coming in from the players that go to another school

Lawnchair is tile based like ios and open source

Yeah, reading that phrase already has me a bit pissed off. Gonna cooldown before watching the conference itself 😂

Nah, cause it could be a procedure like

  1. x is between 1 and 5
  2. recoil = Right*x + Up*4x

So you can learn to resist the average recoil

Could this failure sink ubisoft? With the scamming of the singaporean government and everything

Hmmm yeah I see. I would dig on online chinese markets, probably your best bet.

I don’t think manufactures are targetting Android Auto itself so much, but what functions are you after? Aliexpress is your friend for strange dongles and adapters

I highly recommend destroy all humans! A fun and hilarious gem.

This is an awesome idea. I will definitely be adding a magazine stand to my retro games server today…

This is awesome news. Dead Cells is epic and the studio is massively based

Bruh. Your rouge observation has done irreparable damge to my internal monologue