To be clear, XMPP is the name of the protocol, not the app. If an XMPP app with a Discord-like UI is what you’re after, then Converse.js is probably your best bet. Here’s what it looks like.
Good. I hope that sleaze Pitchford loses a mountainload of money on this. I absolutely hate the guy, he’s a liar and a thief. And arguably, depending how you look at it, a pedophile.
As a short reminder: Borderlands was originally meant to look like this. Then, at the MTV Asia Awards 2006, an artist by the name of Ben Hibon premiered a neat-looking animated short by the name of Codehunters. You can see it here. Witchford saw this and wanted to use the artstlye for his new game. He and Ben had a back-and-forth for a while and then, radio silence.
2009 comes around and Pitchfork’s new game Borderlands is released. And to say that it looked familiar to Codehunters would be an understatement. Kitschford, being an upstanding and virtuous citizen that he is, straight-up aped Codehunter’s style. No discussions or agreements were made with Ben and as such, despite Borderlands becoming hugely profitable, Ben didn’t see a cent. And that is why I will always hope for the Borderlands IP to crash and burn. Or, at the very least, for someone to actually pay Ben Hibon for (unknowingly) creating the game’s artstyle. Anyway, rant over, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
True for most screw-ups in gaming, yes, but not this time. The studio in question, Paradox Tectonic missed three Early Access deadlines. It sounds like Tectonic bit off more than they could chew. I like bashing execs as much as the next guy, but if you miss three deadlines at any job, you’re probably getting the axe.
This comment should be somewhere near the top. My reaction was similar to DebatableRaccoon’s.
Mat Piscatella, executive director of analysis firm Circana, said that monthly, non-mobile, video-game subscription spending in the US “has been flat to low single-digit growth” since the middle of 2021.
Good. Now that we’ve established that the subscription-based videogame market is pretty much saturated with very little potential for growth, can we please stop shoveling out all this live service crap? It didn’t work for Bioware, it didn’t work for Rocksteady Studios and it didn’t work for Arkane Austin. Stop it.
Very nicely explained, I find myself in agreement with you. This makes a lot of sense and would explain their current behaviour. So, with this in mind, if I look at Microsoft’s statement from the article, it now reads slightly differently. Before, it was just their statement verbatim: “we need games like Hi-Fi rush”, but now it’s “we need games like Hi-Fi Rush, but a hell of a lot cheaper”. All because of GamePass. Dude, I am so sick of subscription services.
I’m frankly astounded by the sheer ineptitude on display here. I don’t know what’s happening at Microsoft, but whatever it is, it’s insanity. How tone deaf can you be? And this is only days after the gamepad fiasco.
So glad this is gaining traction. I like playing older games from time to time and I am NOT down with capricious companies killing games just because they decided it doesn’t make financial sense to patch out their DRM. The Crew was sold as a good, not a service. They should either patch out the online requirement or give users their money back.
I can imagine the prospect not being attractive to Ubisoft, but who cares about Ubisoft anyway.
Pssh, I’m not that old.
…I’m actually this old.
Oh, hey, I use some of those! Simple Calendar Pro was at some point the only calendar app that displayed notifications for upcoming events properly. Etar and whatever the default calendar app was just displayed them silently, causing me to miss them completely.
Another shout out to the Simple File Manager. The default file manager in Android 10… I think it’s a visual mess. SFM, on the other hand is clean and intuitive. Tibor Kabuta is doing some damn fine work.
I was kinda hoping for a smaller console, not a larger one.