Am definitely human.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Wow, you are the first person I’ve “met” who even knows about that book. Fistbump. I have a copy (since my dad used to work as an Apple distributor back then, this was way before they had retail stores like they do now).

While I can see that a good bit of that relatively slim book is (now) less than ideal, it still hurts to see how much UI and UX across all platforms is going downhill. I don’t even recognise a “for the sake of X” because there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it (other than “it’s different and therefore more better. Also, I made this”).

…and then you’re locked out of using your phone to pay for things, can’t install banking apps and marginal ID apps, et cetera. 😢

Sorry about the surprise prussians. I was never any good at typing on glass, I much prefer an actual keyboard.

Dune II - basically the grandfather of every RTS game out there (and incidentally very, very different from Dune I): opposing forces, resource collection, tech tree, fog of war, et cetera. Or perhaps it was (not World of) Warcraft, it’s been too long and memory gets fuzzy.


Ohh, this does indeed look quite fantastic. I am certainly going to look more into this. Thank you!

_Edit: Ah, but $50/user/year. For the whole family that adds up real fast. Still, nice tip.

I quite disagree, it is very hard. Sure, switching search engine takes all of two seconds, and email can be had from many vendors free and commercial.

But calendaring! A calendar that is at least somewhat integrated with am email client, supports more than one actual calendar, and has real-world capability to share them with others - “if you succeed in this, two me how.”

I quite disagree, it is very hard. Sure, switching search engine takes all of two seconds, and email can be had from many vendors free and commercial.

But calendaring! A calendar that is at least somewhat integrated with am email client, supports more than one actual calendar, and has real-world capability to share them with others - “if you succeed in this, two me how.”

(not sure this worked as intended. I meant to reply to