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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Dec 17, 2023


I’m OOtL on this one. What/who is/was Concord? And what happened to it/them?

I have not. In fact, I’d never even heard of it until you mentioned it.
But I sure as hell will give it a go now that I am aware of its existence. Thanks for the tip!

I trust Gabe. I just don’t trust whoever takes over after him.

I too prefer GOG, but the fact that they still haven’t made a native linux port of GOG Galaxy causes me to mostly use Steam. I usually use GOG for indie stuff and thingsI want without it being tied to a launcher or DRM.

Oh, and I recently bought Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 there, as I felt it was about time I gave Chris Sawyer some money for all the fun the pirated version I downloaded 25 years ago have provided.

Do you get to the Cloud District very often? No, what am I saying, of course you don’t…

From what I understand, it is a spiritual successor. I don’t know if it’s made by the same people, but the game is similar enough and more polished and modern, to the point where it could pass as a sequel.

War for the overworld. I was a big dungeon keeper fan back in the day, and didn’t learn about WftOW until recently.

Kerbal Space Program 2. All people working on the game were fired at the end of June, with the studio as a whole shut down. No announcement has been made. The only reason we know is because of state laws requiring public disclosure in advance of layoffs.

I hope it does. And if that’s a problem for them, Then they shouldn’t have canceled a title that many had bought during early access under the impression that it’d eventually reach proper release. Not only did they leave many players hanging, but they laid off all the devs with no announcement, and the unfinished game is still for sale.

Yeah, about clock speeds… remember when they were front and center 20 years ago while marketing CPUs? Intel started marketing CPUs by their clock speeds in the 90’s, hilighting that as a selling point over their competitors that usually ran at slightly lower clock speeds.

But Intel painted themselves into a corner: Clock speeds don’t matter - instruction sets and floating point ops per seconds do. In the mid 2000s they had to slowly phase out the clock speed marketing, as clock speeds had reached such levels that further increases would be detrimental to performance, so they had to change their marketing and branding strategy.

As soon as clock speed marketing had been phased out, Intel CPUs actually ran at lower speeds than the previous generation, while still outperforming them.

I’m curious to see whether nvidia is about to do the same thing.

I was peer pressured by some friends into Project Zomboid a few weeks ago. We’re having great fun, especially now that I’ve figured out the game properly.

And speaking of peer pressure, my character is a smoker.

Automation games and never played Factorio???
Screw the DLC (for now), you need to get started with Factorio ASAP. I started with Factorio in 2017 after I mentioned to a coworker that I liked Minecraft with mods that allowed for automation such as Industrialcraft, Buildcraft, and Immersive Engineering. I have played some Create, but when I did I found that it wasn’t mature enough as a mod.

The DLC is mostly aimed towards end-game stuff. Whereas the base game is completed once your factory has launched a rocket with a satellite on board, the DLC picks up from there, allowing you to build automated space platforms, visit other planets each with their distinct differences.

Never noticed until you asked, but yeah, I don’t think I’ve seen such a thread in ages.

I put Factorio on hold for now, as I’m waiting for the DLC. In the meantime I’m playing Project Zomboid with a few friends.

Yup. ES6 is going to sell like condoms on an STD themed swinger convension no matter how many bugs are going around.

And the saddest part is that too many have learned nothing about AAA titles, and will preorder the game, making the game a massive financial success even before releasing anything of quality.

Ah, the memories… 2001, lan party at a friends house just after we’d turned 18. Way too little sleep, and playing Serious Sam on coop. Good times.

The absurdity of this headline makes “You wouldn’t download a car” seem like a not-so-distant future PSA/ad campaign.

ShadowZone on youtube has a pretty good analysis of what we know, what we don’t know, and lays out some possible (and realistic) scenarios as to what’s going on.

My personal (un)educated guess regarding the lack of official news is due to the fact that T2 will be releasing an earnings report shortly, and needs to keep things quiet. I hope the release more detailed statements once the quarterly is done.

I’ve played it a lot, and I can confirm that it has loads of NCD potential

Time to brag: I’ve driven an actual truck across that actual bridge.

To be fair, “geostationary altitude” combined with “passing over” implies an elliptical orbit.

I thought it was an actual article, and it was some video that wasn’t loading. Result: It went above my head high enough to be in geostationary orbit.