the account is my alt
it was a joke but now I am the clown
On Steam*:
Not counting idle games, which have an artificially inflated playtime:
*Not counting games on other platforms (minecraft) or games obtained through extralegal means (spacewar!)
**Also most recently played
it might have no games but at least the scalpers are also losing
Were you inspired to make your game by any of these? they seem similar:
I started writing this comment to ask about a specific or gamejolt game, but I can’t remember the title, it was a downloadable point and click game similar to There Is No Game, it had a narrator, several trophies that the narrator would give you, (including bad ones for disobeying the narrator) and I think a demo. I remember it being popular around the time of the original There Is No Game and
“Make this character’s ass and thighs thicker,” another frequent-question-asker demands, to which Housenka responds: “Accept her as she is.”
edit: there’s probably some irony or hypocrisy in me using this image (a guy with exaggerated muscles) as a positive on a comment about sexualization but I couldn’t think of a better image to use
Be ready for a lot of monologues though.
Okay, let’s see what this one says.
“While the idea for the game is good… For someone who prefers non-linear games, this preachiness gets annoying fast.”
Preachy?! Stanley, I’m not preachy, am I? You can tell me if I’m preachy. Honestly, you can. Oh goodness, this is actually quite shocking for me. I- I always- well, to be honest, I had always thought of the game’s dialogue as being rather terse to begin with. You can’t know how much fluff I cut from the game to get it to feel as light and airy as it… well, I always thought it did. But maybe it wasn’t.
RimWorld, I have hundreds of hours of playtime, (not including my previous extralegal copy) and now I am obsessed with:
*not actually true, it’s all coke
Incremental Games: (best played blind)
Everyone has a right to form a union, but if you do you’re fired.
The Lego Island Guy mentioned