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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


After not playing for years I have a hard time getting back in. Any tips?

Wishlisted it. This game and pvkk are now the only games I’m actually looking forward to

It’s just you. That a company makes terrible decisions tells not that much about a dev. If a dev says he worked on multiple projects does tell something about the dev regardless of the company. Don’t forget that Bethesda sold their soul to MS and now has a lot more “steering” at the top, devs don’t participate in that.

Edit: a word

I actually get that. Was just curious. My girlfriend uses a PS5 and loves it tons whilst I game on PC. Both totally understand each other haha

I totally feel this. I came first to Ubuntu and people immediately went, why no debian/mint/arch. Now I’m on popos and happy and still some would say you doophus

I see you’re getting down voted and I feel for you. Linux is a breeze if you know what you’re doing and git if the dev knows what they’re doing. But if you’re not an it wizard or very much an enthusiast, Linux just is more complex.

So this is nothing for you, but more to the gatekeepers downvoting you

Quick question though, why not buy a PC and link it to the tv? The features you’re talking about are also on the PC and you’re not limited to their proprietary services and file formats.

Ps if you don’t want a PC. Pc if you don’t want to choose between exclusives, since they’ll come anyway. My gf has a PS5 and I think it’s the best console, but said console could run horizon at capped rates in pretty mode (and really stable!). Whilst my mismatch of pc parts could run it at high fps without making a noise (and occasionally made their faces look like they’re in need of an exorcist). She doesn’t care and just wants to game, I do care and like to tinker till perfection. Two entirely different viewpoints on gaming, but neither is better or worse. Hardware on either side has came to the point it all runs great

Yeah it’s insane. I’ve had mine with a protector for months. Took it off and within two weeks I got a deep gauge

Just finished planet of Lana. It was a nice very short game and felt more like an arthouse movie than a game. But sound design and art make this game great