I made the argument that it’s expensive but it was more based on the idea that I can get a cheapo used console with a few games and that’ll do me for a whole generation. That and I think that PC gaming has a deeper void to get sucked into (mainly keyboards and monitors)
But now a couple weeks later and I realize that I really enjoy my crappy business desktop PC and I could see building a PC in the future.
They each have their advantages. When I go to a friends house we play console. At home I’d rather play PC, if I had the choice.
Did this game focus on anything in particular and do that well? Exploring isn’t it.
I’m tired of being negative gamer. This game looks fun even if it isn’t mind blowing, but seeing as I’ve never played a Bethesda game I think I’m just as likely to play one of the older games because they look about as good.
You’ll have to go and learn to find out! Can’t do any harm.
You can also ask pi for an introduction https://pi.ai/talk
Political or not a non-profit is a non-profit. Unity defines charity some new way I guess.