• 5 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Mar 03, 2023


Yeah me too since I don’t really play multiplayer games developed by valve anymore.

I will say though, to me it is a lot more than just loot boxes. These “in game” items have real world value which add to the risk reward factor that made them so addictive to me growing up

Valve hasn’t really done much to stop this issue

I think people just ignore and don’t pay attention to them. Also valve is great at hiding them.

It’s no secret that a lot of their ventures are funded by child gambling addictions that valve has enabled

I don’t use the Amazon launcher, but I’m pretty sure the Amazon games are DRM free as well. Not sure if it’s all of them but I know a lot are

If you only judge games based on graphics, I understand your point of view.

But I think it can be argued that Nintendo’s gameplay/design is pretty often up to date, if not ahead of it’s time. And tbh to me that matters the most.

Ex: Mario Wonder, Odyssey, BOTW, TOTK, Metroid Dread, Animal Crossing, etc

Oddly enough I’ve been playing High on Life on the Steamdeck. I give it a solid 6/10.

The art style is cool and the characters aren’t as annoying as I thought they would be, but damn is it shallow.

All levels are basically the same but the gunplay and movement are nice enough to keep me around. I just play it while watching TV with my girlfriend. Nice mix of a wave shooter and platforming. It really reminds me of Doom in a way

NBA 2k Playgrounds - fun game for quick 30 min play sessions on the steam deck

Wrestling Empire - might not quite be patient since it’s not that old, but it kinda is in a way lol. Just a lot of fun and I love the role playing aspect of it

HMM III was the first game I played in the turn based strategy genre. I had never played anything similar really, but I wanted to get into the genre and I decided to start with one a lot of people consider a classic.

My gaming knowledge started with the PS1 era playing games like crash bandicoot, THPS, and others like that. I didn’t get into PC gaming until around 2016 and now games I play are Death Stranding, DOOM 2016, Skyrim, BOTW, CSGO etc.

I’ve tried a wide variety of games besides those, and I truly didn’t know what the game was asking from me until I looked it up. Maybe the game gave me enough and I just didn’t connect the dots in my head. I’m not sure, but all I know is my experience which I struggled with

All I’m saying is that I’ve never met anyone who didn’t understand a game like DOOM or the classic Marios. There’s clearly a difference in language that isn’t as common in modern/more mainstream games. Not saying HMM III wasn’t mainstream during it’s time, but I’ve never heard anyone of my generation who has played it or heard of it

If you’re talking about Elder Scrolls Online, then I had the same experience. It’s too repetitive and not satisfying enough

I was just thinking this exact same thing… but about Red Dead Redemption 2. I had to stop playing it because it had no respect for my time.

I’m used to driving to places to start a mission like in all the other GTA games, but in RDR2, it would be about 10 minutes of riding a horse before the real mission started.

The animations take way too long sometimes, and cutscenes and a lot of dialogue are unnecessary and feel like padding. Those 1-2 second animations add up when it’s a 50+hr game

Personally I love that era of graphics tbh. I bought Valheim on the Steam sale just for the jank graphics lol

What’s so different about the first two Baldur’s Gate games? I was thinking about getting the first one on my phone

I haven’t played it, but it’s interesting that it’s too difficult.

A lot of the games I go back to from the NES era are often too difficult for me. I find a lot of them to be unfair and I wonder if the difficulty something that was brought over from the arcade games form right before it

Either that or padding to make the game longer. If that’s the case, I prefer side mission padding because at least that’s usually optional lol

Reminds of me of when I watched 2001: A Space Odyssey and was confused because I had heard great things about the soundtrack, but it was just a bunch of songs I had heard before.

About halfway through the movie I realized that it was an original soundtrack and it was so influential that it became a cliche. 2001: A Space Odyssey was a cliche, not because it followed a saturated trend, but because it itself was copied by everyone else.

AC1’s concept and maybe even story has held up, but you’re right that the later entries feel miles better.

That’s interesting. I either refund them if I struggle a little too much on tutorials, or just leave it in the backlog for later (aka most likely never).

I should try doing that more though because they’re classics for a reason and maybe there’s still fun I can get out of them.

Personally I kinda like that feeling of an empty world sometimes. One of my favorite places in any game is the mall in GTA Vice City.

I can’t explain why though lol

Yeah most older 3D games I’ve tried I just can’t control that well.

A couple years ago I tried playing the original Tomb Raider and geez was that difficult to control. It really makes me appreciate how good the Mario 64 controls were

I can relate

That era of PC gaming has a weird camera that takes a while for me to get used to. Not sure I can pinpoint what is different about it though

Yeah I get that. Sometimes I wish I didn’t revisit games and instead kept the nostalgia glasses on haha

What games can you not get into because they feel too outdated?
Are there games that you tried but just couldn't get into because they feel outdated? Games that, in theory, you would enjoy, but don't because the controls, graphics, writing, or mechanics just don't feel good anymore. Games that, compared to today, just don't hold up to your standards. I recently tried playing Heroes of Might and Magic III, and I realized that a lot of the invisible language used through game design from that era, I do not understand. There are many things that the game didn't explain, and I assume they were just understood by players. Not only that, but I imagine there was a lot of crossover between video games and board games back then, so maybe that language was used as well. I ended up downloading a manual and putting it on my second screen and I get it and played it, but it just wasn't for me. I also dropped Mirror's Edge, but this time it was because of the graphics. It looks and feels great, but the graphics give me a headache. There is way too much bloom, and for some reason, there are some parts that look like the imaginary lens has been covered in Vaseline. This didn't bother me before, but my eyes are not used to it anymore. There are also games like the first two Tony Hawk Pro Skater games that I can't fully get into because they're missing mechanics from the later games. The levels and controls feel great, but they don't feel complete without those mechanics. It keeps me from enjoying the games as much as the others. Please share yours!

Lmao I was just thinking about buying it during this steam sale

Bro I was playing on the director’s cut.

The context of the conversation was the director’s cut so I didn’t think I had to specify.

Also these companies get private investing for the games they create. The ads just sound like long-term monetization of a product. ‘Passive income,’ some would say lol. They’re definitely not paying for their next games with ads on a 4 year old game if that’s what your implying

I got the game for $7 on fanatical last week and yesterday whenever I was playing it, I went to go take a dumb and there was an ad for an AMC show.

Really took me out of it tbh.

Yeah I’ve read about that.

Hopefully the next one is the game everyone has been waiting on

I saw the Golf Club Wasteland name change as well and it caught me off guard lol. I think I enjoyed the “radio” more than the gameplay.

The voice acting and scripts were all really entertaining.

Looking back, I’m happy at how much time I had to play games this year. The Steam Deck (SD) has definitely helped since I finished almost all of these on the steam deck. Some games I started last year and finished this year, but I will still add them to the list. A couple I have played multiple times so completing them was fast & easy

1. GTA V 6/10 (SD)

I really enjoyed the characters and writing even if the story was a little weak. Gameplay and humor definitely carried. Had fun going back to it after not playing it for almost 10 years.

2. Mario 64 10/10 (RG351P Emulator)

I can finish this game in a day at this point. I don’t usually get all 120 stars since I skip the ones I find annoying. I’ve been playing it yearly for about 5 years.

3. Katana Zero 8/10 (SD)

Like Mario 64, I can run through this game quite easily at this point. I’ve finished the campaign countless times. Super smooth and responsive gameplay. Great story

4. Furi 8/10 (SD)

This is the last of my replayed games this year (kinda). I can also rush through this game quite easily in a day. Feels like dancing in gaming form lol. Want to finally play my first fromsoftware game next year. Already have Sekiro in my library so I’m ready.

5. Assemble With Care 5/10 (SD)

This game took me less than an hour to complete. Got this game through a bundle and it caught my attention. A cute story game, but not too much going on gameplay wise. As you can probably tell by my other game selections, this didn’t end up being my cup of tea lol.

6. Need for Speed Unbound 7/10 (PC)

It feels like Need for Speed is REALLY close to creating another classic, but they’re missing something. It feels like this game needed another year or two to add more content because this game’s gameplay is pretty polished and satisfying.

7. Risk of Rain 2 9/10 (PC)

Finished it solo and with a friend. Both times were really fun and addictive. Easy to jump into, but hard to put down. Might be my game of the year

8. Wolfenstein New Order 5/10 (SD)

Controls were meh and story was meh. I liked the game, but there are so many better games at this point, that I was kinda sad I spent my time and money on this one.

9. GTA IV 8/10 (SD)

The story was great, and the characters like always were amazing. The start was a little sluggish, but it made the the later parts of the game more satisfying and rewarding. I played this on my PS3 when it first came out, but I don’t think I ever played the campaign.

10. Tomb Raider 7/10 (SD)

It had a lot of charm, and it was just pure fun. It disregarded most logic and reasoning in exchange for fun scenarios.

11. WWE 2K23 8/10 (SD) & (PC)

I played the showcase mode where you play through John Cena’s career highlights, but what I’ve been having the most fun with is getting high, putting on a movie, and playing through the matches I used to come up with as a child. It has been a blast that I can admit has been mostly nostalgia fueled.

12. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 + 2 Remaster 9/10 (SD) & (PC)

I also have a lot of childhood memories with these games. Finished the campaign in about a week and I’ve been on a mission to get in the top 1500 on every map on the speedrun mode and it’s been a fun challenge. Multiplayer is also very fun even though I almost never win. What can I say that hasn’t been said in the last couple decades since this game originally came out.

Maybe you’re not as excited because you’re not the target audience anymore.

Think of the biggest games of the last 10 years, they’ve all been community centered games. Among Us, Minecraft, Call of Duty, Fortnite, GTA Online, Fall Guys, etc.

I think we just grew up in a different era. I grew up playing on the PSX but my younger brother grew up on the PS4. I’m still playing the Tony Hawk remaster by myself and my younger brother is playing online games with like 6 people in the call.

I look forward to the story, but my younger brother looks forward to the online where he can have his own character and create his own story with his friends.

Gaming in general is moving in a community direction and I don’t blame Rockstar for moving in that direction as well.

Yeah not sure why people want the single player to last forever lol. To me it makes sense for them to focus on the Online afterwards since that’s what will stay alive after people finish the single player.

I don’t see an open world game lasting as long as a sandbox game without a ton of bloat… kinda like those super long and repetitive Ubisoft campaigns people always complain about…

I haven’t played online since like 2015, but I personally liked playing through the missions with my friends

I mean isn’t that the case with most single player story games? You can still do side missions and other activities

Did you have a regular Steam Deck before the OLED?

How are you liking it?

How is El Paso Elsewhere? It looks really good

Currently, I’m in between games. Tried Divinity Original Sin 2, my first CRPG, but it felt overwhelming. Planning to revisit it during Christmas break.

Gave New World a shot, found it boring, got a refund. I would rather spend those $20 on something better.

Enjoying the Tony Hawk remaster, likely to finish it in the next week or so.

Playing GTA IV, but it’s gotten dull after 3 hours. The story is interesting, but the gameplay feels like I’m just running errands.

I can personally imagine a better screen, speakers, controls, ergonomics, cooling, another USB C port, slimmer and lighter, etc.

I know that most of these things are already good, but they can always be improved. We’ve already seen other handheld PCs do some things better so I imagine Valve can improve as well

Whenever I hear this quote I also think of the developers/publishers. They need to have a good reputation so people buy their games.

I think that’s why EA, Blizzard, Ubisoft, Activision, etc sales have gone down. I will not say that gamers react fairly when it comes to unfinished game releases, but it takes one bad game to ruin a developer. Especially when you consider how small the margins are or if they are publicly traded. Even developers with good games have recently been going out of business because it’s not sustainable.

I also think of their legacies. Especially in a post-steam world, a game with a good legacy will continue to sell for much longer. I don’t think a game like Watch Dogs ever got rid of the stink surrounding it, even though it isn’t a bad game to go back to nowadays.

Same. I wonder if they’ll ever release Spiderman. I know that God of War is coming soon too

I agree with you for the most part. I do believe that mobile gaming is the future just bc of cheap it is to produce. I can see more and more games being optimized for ARM chips every year.

Yeah mobile gaming is the reason why gaming is a bigger industry than Hollywood or even the music industry. It’s just far more accessible than any console or PC will ever be. It only makes sense that businesses will start to focus more on it.

I believe that the only reason Microsoft paid so much for Activision Blizzard isn’t for COD or the other IPs they have, but more for King. The owners of Candy Crush and plenty of other mobile games.

I really respect mobile gaming. There are a lot of good and entertaining games.

They are really accessible to most of the population even in third world countries, and the communities are generally really nice. I’ve found them to be nicer than PC gaming communities at least.

It’s really really incredible how good people can get at certain games and I like how a lot of their communities are run on mobile. A lot of the mobile gaming youtubers even edit their videos on mobile.

Games like COD Mobile and all of the SuperCell games are examples with great communities and games that don’t have any ads. Sure they still be toxic, but it doesn’t compare to communities like Overwatch.

There are also a lot of beautiful games out there. Mobile gaming is a now niche gaming space where the game has to actually be fun or else it won’t grow all that much.

They can’t just buy their way into being popular through the name of the IP or through beautiful graphics. The mentality of Art Style over Graphic Fidelity is still alive on mobile. Look at games like Monument Valley, Kensho, Pirate Outlaws, Rusty Lake, Pocket City, Mini Metro, etc. and you’ll see what I mean.

It’s also a great platform for indie games with low spec requirements.

What’s your Patient Gamer’s Unpopular Opinion?
Share your unfiltered, unpopular gaming opinions and let's dive into some real discussions. If you come across a view you disagree with, feel free to (respectfully) defend your perspective. I don't want to see anyone say stuff like "we're all entitled to our own opinions." Let's pretend like gaming is a science and we are all award winning scientists. # My Unpopular Opinion: I believe the criticism against battle royales is often unwarranted. Most complaints revolve around constant content updates, microtransactions, and toxic player communities Many criticize the frequent content updates, often cosmetic, as overwhelming. However, it's optional, and no other industry receives flak for releasing more. I've never seen anyone complain about too many Lays or coke flavors. Pay-to-win concerns are mostly outdated; microtransactions are often for cosmetics. If you don't have the self control to not buy a purple glittery gun, then I'm glad you don't play the games anymore, but I don't think it makes the game bad. The annoying player bases is the one I understand the most. I don't really have a point against this except that it's better to play with friends. Overall I think battle royale games are pretty fun and rewarding. Some of my favorite gaming memories were playing stuff like apex legends late at night with friends or even playing minecraft hunger games with my cousins like 10 years ago. A long time ago I heard in a news segment that toy companies found out that people are willing to invest a lot of time and energy into winning ,if they know there will be a big reward at the end, and battle royales tap into that side of my brain. **This is just my opinion**

What game holds a special place in your heart?
We all have that one game that holds a special place in our hearts. What game is it for you? For me, it's Metal Slug. Growing up, every Monday, my parents would drag me to the laundromat after work. As a kid, it was a pretty boring, but I had my toys, origami books, and coloring books to keep me entertained. However, my favorite thing to do was playing the Metal Slug arcade machine with my dad. My dad was great at the game, and he taught me how to play. Though I improved, I could never keep up. When I'd inevitably die, he'd let me take over his side to let me have a bit more playtime. My favorite part was when he'd share stories from when he lived in another country and would go to the local arcade. Those moments are cherished memories, and even today, whenever I visit an arcade, Metal Slug is the first game I play, despite still being terrible at it haha *Honorable mention goes to Mario 64, another game that holds a special place in my heart. I got an N64 from a garage sale, and playing Mario 64 while at home, with my mom's "chore" music in the background ignited my love for gaming*

Tomb Raider (2013) Review
# **7/10** Having never played the original Tomb Raider games, I approached this title without nostalgia or prior knowledge of the franchise. It had been sitting in my backlog for a couple of years, and I decided to give it a shot recently. I'm in an era of gaming where I've been gravitating towards titles with less traditional linear storylines, Tomb Raider managed to reignite my interest. Nowadays, I struggle to connect with a game's narrative, often due to interruptions, lack of immersion, or a boring story, leading me to abandon many story-driven games I've attempted in the past year or two. I played this on my Steam Deck with a mixture of normal-high settings at 60FPS. ## Story: 3/5 The narrative in Tomb Raider struck a balance that worked for me. I wasn't looking for an intricate web of character arcs and complex relationships. Instead, I wanted a storyline that would provide motivation and feature likable characters who contributed to the overall objective, and the game delivered on those fronts, with a bit extra. Lara Croft, in particular, stood out as a likable protagonist. She possessed her share of flaws, but her actions and motivations were relatable. Her sense of guilt and her unwavering determination for her and her team's survival drove the narrative forward, making it engaging enough to keep me invested. ## Mechanics: 3/5 Tomb Raider's combat mechanics played it safe with a standard approach (Arkham style combat with regular 3rd person cover-shooter stuff), and the weapon upgrades were straightforward, and they didn't particularly excite me. The allure of reaching the next campfire for upgrades didn't quite grab me. Additionally, the available skills for upgrading at these campfires didn't feel essential to me. Maybe I'm just a god gamer, but I never found myself needing more skills or upgrades. While stealth was an option, it didn't feel particularly useful, given that you were likely to be discovered regardless of your efforts. Nevertheless, there was enjoyment in picking off a few guards before the inevitable reveal. The game seemed to have the foundation for capable stealth mechanic, but it didn't delve deeply enough into this aspect. I wished for more emphasis on stealth since it was a rewarding. On a positive note, the parkour mechanics in the game were impressively smooth. I encountered no issues, and every movement felt fluid and intuitive. ## *Feel Like Lara Croft:* 4/5 The controls in Tomb Raider were solid, but I wished for slightly more responsiveness. The controls were straightforward and easy to remember. I never missed jumps or had other similar issues, like in Assassin's Creed. I was never taken out of the immersion because of the controls and movement. ## Visuals: 4/5 Visually, Tomb Raider was great. The game's portrayal of caves, tombs, and the decaying villages was stunning, despite a lack of details. The island setting itself was a highlight, with developers effectively conveying the ongoing struggle between Lara and the island. Progress always seemed to trigger a response from the island, sometimes hindering Lara, and surprisingly even aiding her at times. The relentless and ever-changing weather served as a constant reminder of the challenges and goals at hand, creating a sense of constant tension and danger. It wasn't until the end that I truly felt safe. The cinematic action sequences were great as well. Action movie-like sequences were always excited, but I wish there were more of them. Additionally, the game's shift towards a horror ambiance in certain areas added depth to the experience. While I wasn't exactly scared, some parts of the game managed to create an eerie atmosphere. The death animations in the game, although at times gruesome, added to the stakes and made me more reluctant to die. Paradoxically, they also piqued my curiosity, I would sometimes die on purpose to see if I would unlock a new animation haha Considering that Tomb Raider is from 2013, its visual quality has held up well. This era of games, marked by the need to rely on style due to limited processing power for realistic graphics (compared to today), has aged gracefully. While it may not be the best-looking game by today's standards, it features awe-inspiring settings that contributed to my overall enjoyment of the game. I was always excited to see what the next zone would look like. ## Accessibility 5/5 I appreciate Tomb Raider not for its groundbreaking innovation but for its comforting familiarity. It's a game that provides all the visual and audio cues you could ask for – red means explosion, white means climbable, green and yellow signify ammo, and so on. Some might argue that this simplicity makes the game too easy, but for me, at this moment, it strikes the perfect balance After long days filled with work, gym, cooking, and chores, there are moments when I simply don't have the energy to dive into a challenging game that demands my full attention. It's challenging to put into words, but Tomb Raider feels like a pure, unadulterated **game**. Many of the titles I've been playing lately often come off as templates that require a lot of effort on my part. How much fun I have with the game heavily relies on how much effort I'm willing to put into the game. Multiplayer games demand practice, games like Stardew Valley and Enter the Gungeon require constant wiki searches, open-world titles like Breath of the Wild need hours of thorough exploration, and complex RPGs demand deep immersion in the story. Tomb Raider, in contrast, feels like a fully-formed experience ready to be enjoyed from the get-go. It offers a frictionless and barrier-free journey that requires no additional effort on my part. I understand that many games are like this, but this one served as a reminder of how much fun such straightforward, immersive experiences can be to me. ## Overview **Overall, Tomb Raider is an enjoyable experience. I enjoyed everything enough to keep playing and motivate me to buy the next game in the series. I know to most this might not be the most exciting game, but to me it has has changed the directions of the next couple games that I will play.** ## Favorite Part **This next paragraph will have a couple spoilers.** *I think my favorite part was the end. Everything starts to hit Lara like a train. Even the villain tells her that she isn't actually a hero despite everyone praising her throughout the game. She has also killed a bunch of people who were just trying to escape the the island. I think it can even be argued that she's worse than anyone on the island. She is not the hero, she is just another survivor. Maybe she could have worked with them so they would all escape together, but how successful would she have been negotiating with borderline feral, stranded survivors? I felt satisfied with the end and look forward to more from the series.*

What are your favorite single player games to go back to?
What are your favorite single player games to go back to often? - Minecraft - Furi - Mario 64 - Super Mario World - GTA SA and Vice City It's kinda rare for me to go back to a single player game and replay it, but there are some games that are nostalgic in the same way place or smell can be nostalgic. I know them so well that I can't help but want to go back and visit and I never really get disappointment by the experience. Sure, I don't get as immersed as the first time, but I definitely still enjoy the games.