uwu owo etc., you know…

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


it’s 2025 and having a freaking CTRL key on soft keyboards is still a luxury and obscure thing.

Why? Give us the CTRL key, and that’s that.

Unexpected Keyboard.

Love the way how it works + modifier keys!!! (ctrl, alt, super, anything you want)

In the beginning the lack of the dictionary/autocorrection was kinda a problem (especially after Blackberry Keyboard) but now I really don’t miss that.

I liked the Earthbound way of random encounters.

Animal Crossing could benefit from it, but not in its current form tho

in 2017, the Wii U was an already open book for homebrewers IIRC, that’s why I asked why considering TAS was almost no-go at the time.

thanks for thr write up though!

It would have also been as hard to TAS on the WiiU at the time than to just practice the level.

What do you mean by that?

as much I love the genre, but most single player 3D action/adventure platformer games that are based around a story OR fully arcade-y.

both aspect looses their point if you 100% the game.

Like, I just finished New Super Lucky’s Tale, and though it was an excellent 3d platformer, I don’t think I’ll start a new game.

but not only 3D games. Like Shovel Knight also falls into this category. Amazing and exciting game, but other than a harder difficulty (as New Game+), it doesn’t really have too much of a replayability.

Mother series. especially Earthbound (Mother 2) and Mother 3

either Super Mario Bros. on a famiclone or Circus Charlie.

I remember being spooked the fuck out by those “fire rings”. man, they looked and still look otherwordly. the whole game gave me creeps.

yeah, my conclusion is kinda that.

and this is the reason why I really don’t know what brand to jump in next. I try to avoid Chinese or emerging Chinese companies for a while, tho quite a few years has passed since I owned one, so I’m not completely dismissive with them either. It would be nice to stay in the foldable world, though.

Particples are hard.

idk man, I just pretend to know English, so errors may occur here or there.

I thought maybe if I buy flagship Samsungs, I won’t have those problems I had with Xiaomis, unpredictable bugs, slowing down, also maybe Samsungs have better build quality…

tho I don’t have those and yeah, much better build quality, my Note 20 Ultra still had issues where warranty replaced almost the whole phone - after one year. My Fold 4 cracked its own inner screen by the peeling off screen protector, which costed me with a one time offer around 150USD. Again, in one year after buying.

the price don’t matter. it’s just pure luck at this point.

I used to buy phones for around 150USD. tho this trend of mine was only possible 5-10 years ago.

My BlackBerry Z10 and Z30 costed me this much, and those were the best smartphones I ever had and will have.

after this Fold 4, no idea what will I get, but I hope for several more years, this won’t be an issue.

they should make Mario Kart open world and marry it with Need For Speed => Mario Kart Underground.

hey, Nintendo employee who use Lemmy and read this: push this up for the big bosses around you, because man, that would be a super epic game and a worthy sequel

well… Street Fighter 2010 has IMO a great soundtrack, and it’s kinda hard. Qualitywise… it’s controversial.

Earthbound for the SNES.

It had a rough launch, rough reviews at the time, but the best RPG I’ve ever played, period.

huh, that’s true. I’ve “forgot” about emulators like Goldberg.

Tho, I can imagine some kind of methods will appear sooner or later for that too.

I don’t think a pirated copy of the game would call home, that’s something that hackers should patch really quickly IMO

I manage my e-mails with Blackberry Hub. (On a Fold 4).

It’s not amazing, but works well enough.

there’s a Blackberry developed app called Privacy Shade which makes your screen dark except a small area you are looking at/using on the screen. it’s for blackberries, obviously, but there’s some way you can install it on any android device