Im an autist living in Poland, I also moderate the c/autism community here.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


I like the custom operating systems that are available for it, however to my knowledge none of the phone networks in Poland have it for sale so the only option would be to import the phone wich would cost about the monthly minimum wage. So i will stick with my old Sony xperia M5 until it breaks and then il think about what phone to buy.

What was this versions number?

Arent Deep Silver the guys who fecked up the new Saints Row?

Adaway is my favourite open source app because it blocks most ads system wide.

I think the version You put in the post is the best out of them.

In the EU google forces you to upload your id for verification if you want to watch age restricted yt videos. if games also do that then im going back to 1990-2015 games.

“Misjudgement by the AI based on skin tone or looks will not be a significant problem”

or people with genetical conditions such as down syndrome

I loved it when gordon freeman said “…” it really stuck to me as a life changing quote.

The only thing thats stopping me from going fully to GOG is the fact that galaxy doesnt support linux right now.

Im replaying portal 2 again and after that im going to play serious sam

Games like Enter the gungeon, Slay the spire, Space station 13, Dwarf fortress, Deus ex, System shock, Serious sam and Talos principle.