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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I had the HTC Desire Z, which I believe was essentially the EU version of the G2. What an absolute banger.

Right - I was thinking of the brief store pull.

But I thought that got resolved with the game getting the 18+ PEGI rating back in March already?


Or was it like a provisional rating?

Wait, wasn’t this already an issue a while back and wasn’t that resolved?

Huh, Wasteland 3! Never got around to playing it after the buggy launch (?), how is it now?

Or is it just the storefront displaying the bundle but omitting one of the items (the game itself) since it’s not available in the region?

Phones don’t have (full size) SD card slots, this is for cameras and such.

Germans capitalize their nouns. As for the lower case proper noun, probably just a mistake.

Huh, what’s AMD’s answer to Geforce Now?

Heh, I like how the enemies are considerate enough to figure out and use the correct pronouns mid-battle

Hey, you! What are your pronouns? … Thanks, now eat lead!

In addition to being good games, neither has any microtransactions, ads, or any of that BS, was happy to give the devs some money.