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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


Sims 4 and Minecraft play just fine. My ex wife played Sims 4 without issue on her 2012 MacBook Pro without a problem for years.

You still have my name and it’s weird. But I like you now so all good.

Check out Arizona Sunshine. It’s a post apocalypse zombie shooter that I really enjoyed. They just released the sequel a couple months back too, so if you enjoy the first you’ll have another to follow up with. It was the first, and honestly only, VR game that I really enjoyed that wasn’t beat saber or a sim.

In the future I think it’s a really viable option to create more immersive and interactive games. The technology is pretty far away though, not to mention I don’t think most machines could handle the load while also running a game. It’s at best a dream right now, but a pretty interesting idea for 15 years from now.

The psvr2 is a nicer experience imo (the big exception being that it’s tethered), namely because of the eye tracking. The PSVR2 also has two screens that are slightly lower resolution than the single screen in the quest 3, so visually the PSVR2 wins. It’s also a lot lighter than the quest which makes extended play a bit easier.

Overall I generally recommend folks go with the Quest unless you are really excited about GT7 and eye tracking.

It is and is going to become available this year.

I’m very excited to have more to play than gt7 lol

I’m 100 hours in and just about to wrap up the story (I think). And I’m gonna go back and replay because I skipped a TON in acts 1 and 2. It’s such a good game

Millennial for sure. Using ‘like’ that way was a v 90’s thing.

US west coast for sure. It’s older and less common now, I’d prob place the poster around 40.

Exactly the same for me. There’s a great library of PCVR games that doesn’t exist in PS5 right now, and several are racing games that I want to play again. I’m thrilled to hear there’s PC support coming considering this is one of the best headsets you can buy right now.

I like letting stories finish and would have enjoyed the final installment as much as I did the first two… with mild to moderate enthusiasm.

Xenosaga 2 was the first game I went to GameStop and bought on release day. It wasn’t big enough for a midnight release so I just got there at opening. I still think about that game often and would love a remake. KOSMOS was a great character and the antagonists were great across the board.

The game for me that I loved but never hear about is the 2d platformer Thomas Was Alone. Really fun gameplay and a fun little story that was gripping, especially considering you’re just playing a bunch of different shapes.

Just wrapped up getting gold on every license in GT7 last night. Looking at the rest of the trophies and aiming for my first platinum.

Have put a fair few hours into Space Haven, but think I may have reached the end of the playable content I enjoy for now. Maybe I need to do a pirate run…

guessing this is going to be an Android app and there won’t be an iOS variant? regardless, happy to know there’s an app coming sooner than later and look forward to being able to easily browse Lemmy on my phone again.