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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 24, 2023


I think they know that saying “you’ll look better than Biden” is a great way to manipulate trump into doing just about anything.

The fun part of “Oh. It’s you.” Is that it can be read in so many ways. It’s not a particularly good line on its own. But the way that it’s said in the voice of GLADOS is just a peak “I’m fucking done with this bitch” mood. Major props to that voice actress.

What’s the target use case for this? It seems too small to be useful as a laptop replacement, and isn’t really mobile without cellular radios. About the only purpose I can see is replacing pagers that are still used in medical facilities.

Don’t we all just love it when someone watches us play a game and constantly comes in with tips? Now we can get that experience even when we’re alone!

The need for crafting and settlement building really turned me off of 4. That and the super dense map. This is supposed to be a wasteland but it’s got people and settlements everywhere. The emptiness of 3 and NV made them feel like an apocalypse, I’m not sure what 4 feels like, but it’s really not the same.

Lex Luther is evil, but he doesn’t go around stealing candy from babies and punching grandmas. In fact he takes a lot of actions that people would think are good and altruistic. His motivations are what makes him evil. And when push comes to shove he would show how little he actually cares for all those babies and grandmas. This seems to allude many story tellers in many mediums. Infamous was a great game on the “good” story line, and terrible on the evil because you had to punch grandma with no real reason in order to stay evil. Bio shock was a bit better as you had motivation to kill those little girls to gain more power faster.

Writers and storytellers need to think more motivation than actions when it comes to being evil.

I mean, yeah, we were all desperate for distractions then. Now we’re all working multiple jobs to survive. The video game industry needs to lobby for lower rent. No one has time to play games when we’re trying to keep from being homeless.

Tachyon was the best space fighter game ever. Even had Bruce Campbell doing some of the voice work. The physics were awesome and the storyline was good.

Silly jump to conclusions when it is more likely just repackaging things as “greatest hits” editions or something.