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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 22, 2023


I am on mobile but will try on computer

You already paid for your OS? Too bad you’re gonna pay again.

this is the sane way to use AI, let it to mundane tasks so people can do more rewarding and fun stuff. unfortunately for most CEOs and shareholders, AI=how many employees can I fire and replace with AI.

Can you imagine them investing all that money in AI and the end result is their employees can work less but earn the same salary? yeesh they would rather die

they will move on to the next topic and leech that. Lets just hope next time it is not something whose proper development could have benefited humanity more.

Ah remember the days when you could be left and still donate to an immigrant hating, sexist and racist billionaire? Those were the good days.

Lets all remember the following tweet by Elon

Guys you are all too left, calm down a bit please.

it also seems like the games industry as it is now is pretty low pay and high demand working environment. so good luck with that

lol too late to the party, so late by now everyone knows it was a scam. get on the AI train before it leaves Ubi. Or was it some stupid shareholders idea “AI is too expensive lets try to revive NFTs and squeeze some juice out of it”

they think by force deleting roms for old games they are gonna generate millions of revenue from these games? what is the end game? I really dont understand

well I guess it was because the person who spearheaded the game project was also someone who liked and knew what games were about. Now that it has become a lucrative industry, the whole dynamics has shifted to something else.

I mean my expectations of Elon is so low I am like “good job for not doing the stupid thing Elon!” where I normally would be like “Duh ofcourse”

D’Elon the Musketeer needs to make Tesla look like it is profiting so that he can get funds, even if it means scraping for couple thousands a time. The future of humanity is at stake, he is sure that people will understand once they see how great he is.

well now when you ask OpenAI to write a piece of code for you, it will insert comments like

#I am not going to code this part, it actually exists in the following link which you should have checked before asking me

I think you could have worn this to a supermarket during a pandemic and no one would have been startled

If turning into a lich is desirable then it is rogue-like

The only version I saw was Samsungs which had side roller wheel kind of buttons and the moment I saw it I was like “o-oh carpal tunnel”

vr glasses also have controller buttons dont they. If the implied activity would give men carpal tunnel though I think we would all be miserable by now

oh fuck, those beautiful manuals just came rushing back into the surface from the depths they were buried under.

Maybe you are right but it is a bit like when search engines are flooded with crap: super annoying. I would any day prefer fewer options of mid to high quality stuff to whatever this is.

we are living in an age where paying more money to a game for full content after buying it is “refreshing”

ah man this llm is gold

vampire + zombie = zompire

superman + dracula = batman (guess makes sense…)

superman + thor = superthor

superman + superthor = supermanthor (the ultimate superhero?)

And my ultimate creation:

Super Justice Phoenix League

5TB because they decided to put a separate replicate of each dinosaur to every location