I’ve downloaded a bunch of dice skins and subclasses. I’ve yet to actually finish the game bc I keep changing mods.
I like the mystic class I just played. Just started a new one with an Astral Weaver.
I’m using party size mod and double xp mod but upped the difficulty and installed a mod that ups enemy stats if the party exceeds 5 people.
I’ve actually got over a dozen mods installed - mostly QoL mods and cosmetic.
I really want to like AC 3 but I just can’t. I’m a big history nerd and it kinda upsets me that I don’t like the game.
I’ve bought Origins and Odyssey. I’ve started Origins a couple of times and haven’t started Odyssey. I keep getting distracted by new games. My entire library is like that. Started and unfinished or waiting to start.
I just bought SAO Fatal Bullet for XBox and played it for 3-4 hours until I basically fell asleep at 6am with the controller in my hand.
After I drag my sorry self to the bathroom and put my laundry away, I’m going back in.
Is it the best game ever? No but it’s engaging enough so far that I want to keep playing and see what else it has to offer
I’ve played it off GamePass a few times since it was released.
Is it a great game? Not at all. Is it entertaining? Yes.
The characters are all a little odd in different ways, making it interesting to try different combos for parties, depending on what you think you might be running into.
I told myself that I was going to spend more time with my other companions but I almost always have Parvati with me.
Depending on how you build your character initially, you’ll find that you’ll want different companions for different tasks. That means some backtracking but there is some fast travel and I know I’ll miss loot at times, so it’s usually worth it.
Definitely not open world but that’s okay if you don’t have hours to spend wandering down a track only to find some BS loot.
Dialogue options do make a difference and that is what kept me going back. All the “I wonder what’ll happen if I …” is fun to explore.
Again, the customer is always right - in matters of style and taste.
A friend of mine has a set of them at work and they work well in our noisy environment - machine shop.
The rule for earbuds is that you can only have one in so the bone conduction are gaining popularity at work.
I wish they fit in my motorcycle helmet. My earbuds fall out all the time when I take my helmet off.
I got it off GamePass back in November 2020 for my One S and played it a lot. Work has kept me busy so I’ve had less time but I have bought it twice since then - once for PS5 and then when I bought my Series X.
It’s been worth it. I don’t play multiplayer much and I’ve missed most of the Expeditions but I enjoy it a lot every time I play.
You can follow the quests or not. I honestly enjoy exploring the different planets. The graphics are good. On my PS5 save, my home base is on a planet where the grass glows when the wind sweeps across it at night.
I’ll sit and just watch it throughout the game night.
They do this because it works. There are plenty of
influencers and wannabe pro gamersidiots who will pay for early access.